Las Animas County, Colorado

Hello! My name is Karen Mitchell. This page was started in May, 2006. I have posted some genealogy data pertaining to the county for you to use and enjoy. If you know of any others please drop me an e-mail so that I can add them in. I welcome all suggestions and contributions and will try to get your data posted ASAP. Be sure to contact me if you need assistance.
I would like to thank the previous County Coordinator, Leon Moya, for his hard work and dedication.

Las Animas County Resources

Here is where you will find databases for the County.

NEW LIST ADDRESS, as of 5-7-2007.
Las Animas County Mailing List!
Mailing Lists are a great way to contact other researchers, meet cousins, or learn new methods for gathering data. If you wish to subscribe to the Las Animas County mail list send "subscribe" as the only line of text to

Please e-mail comments and suggestions to Karen Mitchell

© Karen Mitchell