Huerfano County, Colorado
News Of The Day

Contributed by Louise Adams, Jean Griesan and Karen Mitchell.
NOTICE All data and photos on this website are Copyrighted by Karen Mitchell. Duplication of this data or photos is strictly forbidden without legal written permission by the Copyright holder.

1920 - 1924

1920 January Walsenburg: About 50 people attended the Commercial Club banquet last night at the Klein Hotel, where they discussed the proposed city mountain park in the San Isabel Forest.

1920 January La Veta: A P.T.A. was organized in La Veta Friday with Mrs. Hayes president and Emma Vories secretary.

1920 January La Veta: Ice cutting commenced Tuesday morning when the ice was 10-12 inches thick, but a warm wind demoralized the harvest.

1920 January La Veta: It is stated that $19,500 is now available for the Spanish Peaks Mountain Park project at Blue Lake, with $4,000 additional promised by the forest service.

1920 January La Veta: Miss Dolly Stranger took Miss Hazel Mauldin's place as clerk at the Ghiardi and Company store.

1920 January La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Gregorio Pacheco died and were buried in the cemetery "above the town."

1920 January La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Mike Andrich are proprietors of the La Veta Cafe next door to the post office.

1920 January La Veta: Mrs. Marion Bruce and Mrs. Thresa Steward of La Veta have been employed to teach in the Bradford school district.

1920 January La Veta: Roberts and Crawford have opened a shoe repair shop in the Masonic building.

1920 January La Veta: The County Commissioners will sell the Ford used as the county ambulance as it is of no use to the county.

1920 January Walsenburg: Friday's Independent came out the next Tuesday afternoon because the machinery broke and the type had to be sent to Pueblo for printing.

1920 January Walsenburg: A dance in the Bradford School New Years Day honored Jesse Roche and his bride, Emma Teursch, daughter of J. Houser.

1920 January Walsenburg: A new school truck was purchased by District 19 to bring pupils from Mutual to Walsen school.

1920 January Walsenburg: A new school truck was purchased by the board in District No. 19 to bring pupils, from mutual to Walsen.

1920 January Walsenburg: A seasonable white Christmas, with plenty of cold weather, suited the younger generation but just as some sleighing parties were ready to go, a thaw interfered.

1920 January Walsenburg: Bids are being taken for the construction of a new school house at Apache, District No. 26.

1920 January Walsenburg: C.E. Furphy was chosen chairman of the board of county commissioners.

1920 January Walsenburg: Charles Furphy was elected chairman of the board of county commissioners and George Blickhahn was selected County Attorney to replace John L. East.

1920 January Walsenburg: Fourteen new members were installed into the Walsenburg Clerk's Association and Helen Coss was elected secretary.

1920 January Walsenburg: Henrietta "Retta" Edwards was hit by a Cory truck while coasting on school house hill.

1920 January Walsenburg: Huerfano County High School beat La Jara at basketball 25 to 24 and Monte Vista, 29 to 9.

1920 January Walsenburg: Huerfano County High School defeated La Jara 25-24 and Monte Vista, 29-9.

1920 January Walsenburg: Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Levy are the proud parents of a son born Dec. 27.

1920 January Walsenburg: N.E. Karst and Nora McDaniel have revealed they were secretly married Nov. 15 in Raton.

1920 January Walsenburg: Noverto Garcia, about 70, an old resident, was found by the railroad tracks with a skull fracture. It is assumed he was struck by a train.

1920 January Walsenburg: Rouse schools have been closed this month due to scarlet fever.

1920 January Walsenburg: South Main Street will be straightened and a concrete bridge built over the Cucharas.

1920 January Walsenburg: The bazar [sic] at Ravenwood was a great success and the school will have a library purchased with the proceeds.

1920 January Walsenburg: The Women's Christian Temperance Union met with Mrs. E.R. Shepherd Jan. 16 to observe the day on which the 18th Amendment went into effect.

1920 January Walsenburg: The YMCA at Walsen is a busy place with the bowling alley, Americanization classes, club meetings, etc.

1920 January Walsenburg: Walsenburg now has its own flour mill.

1920 February La Veta: A deputy collector of internal revenue will be at La Veta State Bank Feb. 20 to assist people in making out their income tax returns.

1920 February La Veta: Clyde D. Estes received the new $1,500 soda fountain for the drug store and it will be an attractive shrine at which to quench the summer's thirst.

1920 February La Veta: For Sale: Eight year old team with harness, weight about 1,400 pounds each, price $400. Inquire of J.H. Jones.

1920 February La Veta: Henry Roberts has installed a gasolene engine at his blacksmith which will wield a hammer and manufacture juice for lighting.

1920 February La Veta: Mrs. R.L. Crumley and Mrs. Virginia Eugglina will open a short order restaurant in the Spanish Peaks Hotel.

1920 February La Veta: Mrs. R.L. Crumley and  Mrs. V. Eugglina have taken over management of the Spanish Peaks Hotel and are renting the rooms and serving meals.

1920 February La Veta: The Atlas Construction Company was incorporated with $50,000 by R.W. Atchison, W.O. Van Etten, H.M. Stockwell, Paul Ghiardi, L.M. Kreutzer and Allen Roush to undertake all types of construction.

1920 February La Veta: The flour mill is back in operation.

1920 February Walsenburg: A new school building has been erected in the east part of Dist. 12, Cucharas, in the dry farming section. 1923: Adv.: Fancy potatoes 80˘ for 100 pounds; three heads of lettuce 25˘; Courtney's Union Market, 309 West Seventh

1920 February Walsenburg: Charles Tanner, his wife and their baby all died this week, probably of the ''flu." Tanner was the shipping clerk at the Walsenburg Company.

1920 February Walsenburg: Died, Andrew Jackson Steele who built the St. James A.M.E. Church and was a long-time liveryman on Seventh Street.

1920 February Walsenburg: Died, Andrew Jackson Steele, former barn boss for CF&I farmer and livery man who built the St. James A.M.E. Church.

1920 February Walsenburg: Died, Newton Lee Coggins, 45, a resident of Gardner since 1894. His wife, the former Ouida Caldwell, died five months ago. They leave children Mrs. Gladys Karst, Lorraine, 13, Truman, 8 and Auberta, 5.

1920 February Walsenburg: Many are opposed to the "flu" closing order effecting picture shows, dances and other public gatherings.

1920 February Walsenburg: Miss Mildred Babbitt married Willard Hodges, mechanic at Central Garage, Jan. 27 at the home of the bride's parents.

1920 February Walsenburg: Mrs. Murray, principal of the Pictou school and teacher of the primary department, is doing wonderful work with her 58 little tots.

1920 February Walsenburg: Olive Turner and Pete O'Rourke were married Feb. 10.

1920 February Walsenburg: Pryor school will open Monday after being closed for two weeks when the wind damaged the building.

1920 February Walsenburg: The Bradford school district people formally dedicated their new school with a dance.

1920 February Walsenburg: The faculty of Huerfano County High School will keep open house at the school building Friday, Feb. 18 from 8-10 for the public to inspect the new building.

1920 February Walsenburg: The Mesa district and school will now be known as Pauley.

1920 February Walsenburg: The Rouse mine had to close down because of the flow of water coming in.

1920 February Walsenburg: The Rouse mine had to close down because of the flow of water coming in.

1920 February Walsenburg:  The Bradford district people formally dedicated their new school with a dance.

1920 March La Veta: Frank Prator bought the stone building at the corner of Francisco and Oak and will reside there with his sister.

1920 March La Veta: Levi Kincaid has gone into partnership with his father Joe K. Kincaid in the corner mercantile establishment.

1920 March La Veta: T.E. Donohue has taken charge of the La Veta Pass garage.

1920 March La Veta: The Kreutzer ranch house is moving slowly to town. It is out of soft ground but still has an uphill pull.

1920 March La Veta: The new soda fountain at the drug store cost $1,500.

1920 March Walsenburg: Died, Abe Cutter Jr. of the flu and pneumonia.

1920 March Walsenburg: Died, J.P. Manzanares, son J.N. Manzanares, who was married just two months ago.

1920 March Walsenburg: Dissler Furniture, located opposite the post office, delivers  anywhere in the county.

1920 March Walsenburg: For 1919, the city of Walsenburg had a valuation of $2,010,540, the mill levy was 33.37 and total taxes were $67,091.72.

1920 March Walsenburg: Frank P. Vallely and William Mattivi will open the Huerfano County Garage in the Levy building adjoining the Independent office.

1920 March Walsenburg: John Shaft sold his Main Street confectionery to G. R. Moore.

1920 March Walsenburg: L.H. Kirkpatrick is remodeling his store next to the bottling works for Mike Reviglio's Studebakers.

1920 March Walsenburg: Newlyweds Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Babbitt of Kansas say they will make their future home in Walsenburg.

1920 March Walsenburg: Pauley residents met at Mesa School and organized a Farm Bureau.

1920 March Walsenburg: The Dick-Gardner service station on North Main was sold to a Mr. McKee of Pueblo and will be the agency for Oldsmobile cars and trucks.

1920 March Walsenburg: The new bridge beyond the hogback on the federal highway is now open for travel.

1920 March Walsenburg: The Opera House Cafe is moving from across the street from the post office to the former Materoli's soft drink parlor.

1920 March Walsenburg: We have 23 different nationalities represented in this county.

1920 April La Veta: By the number of cows, chickens and horses wandering around one would take La Veta to be a stock farm.

1920 April La Veta: Clyde Estes is getting his soda fountain in the drug store shaped up for the summer business.

1920 April La Veta: Died, J.L. Powell, 86, a Civil War veteran. He leaves sons John, James, Walter and Frank and a daughter, Mrs. Al Coleman.

1920 April La Veta: Died, J.L. Powell, 86, a Civil War veteran. He leaves sons John, James, Walter and Frank and a daughter, Mrs. Al Coleman.

1920 April La Veta: Get your 1920 hunting and fishing licenses from E.S. Vories, forest ranger.

1920 April La Veta: La Veta Automotive Company and La Veta Garage were consolidated into one business.

1920 April La Veta: R.L. Hammett purchased a new Ford and for his first lesson in driving drove it to Walsenburg.

1920 April La Veta: Saturday was a gala day in La Veta for the first airplane which has ever attempted flights from this place carried a number of our citizens on a pleasure jaunt over the city.

1920 April Walsenburg: Cameron will have four public garages soon when the new one is completed.

1920 April Walsenburg: Four seniors will be graduating this spring from Rouse High School.

1920 April Walsenburg: Frank Kato is now operating the Greenlight Cafe.

1920 April Walsenburg: I. Nijak will be manager of the Shaddy brother's new Liberty Store.

1920 April Walsenburg: Lots are selling for $50 in the Wellsby townsite north of the new county high school.

1920 April Walsenburg: Seven men were arrested for gambling at Sunnyside.

1920 April Walsenburg: Street Commissioner Furphy is opening a street east of the railroad on Martin and north on Cedar Street.

1920 April Walsenburg: The Walsenburg World will begin publishing twice a week next week, on Tuesday and Friday.

1920 May La Veta: An aeroplane scheduled to fly from Pueblo to Blanca was unable to negotiate the range and landed on the hill north of town.

1920 May La Veta: Died, Hubert Fay Martin, 17-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. C.L. Martin.

1920 May La Veta: J.W. Vernon moved his family onto the Ward place on the Cucharas.

1920 May La Veta: Joe Brown bought the John Penne ranch on the Wahatoya for $33,000.

1920 May La Veta: La Veta Automotive has orders for 21 Ford passenger cars which shows money must be plentiful but we wish some of it would find its way into the editor's pocket.

1920 May La Veta: Messrs. Webb and Matthews have dissolved their partnership in the shoe business and Webb retains the shop on Main Street.

1920 May La Veta: Mrs. Bessie Estes is the new president of the school board.

1920 May La Veta: Neal Baysinger is clerking in E.L. Smith's store.

1920 May La Veta: Owen Williams bought an interest in Fred Vasquez' blacksmith.

1920 May La Veta: The new refrigerating machine in the La Veta Meat and Produce Company's store filled up the place with ammonia fumes when a pipe became disconnected but luckily nobody was suffocated permanently.

1920 May La Veta: The senior class play "Household Aid" stars Guy and Grace Lougheed, Ruthena Webster, Leslie Smith, Leland Austin, Alice Coe and Charles Lester.

1920 May La Veta: The Town Board wants to build curbs on Blocks 1 and 2 in order to protect the trees.

1920 May Walsenburg: Cameron will have four garages when the new one is completed.

1920 May Walsenburg: Check with Harry Bluck, 233 West Seventh Street, for your contracting needs.

1920 May Walsenburg: Clyde Pritchard was salutatorian and Juanita Oldham valedictorian at Huerfano County High School. The class of 22 was the largest graduating class ever.

1920 May Walsenburg: The east bound passenger train was wrecked last Thursday night this side of La Veta, derailing five coaches but luckily only injuring one person.

1920 May Walsenburg: Thirty-five ranchers of Huerfano County filed a petition with the State Board of Land Commissioners to restore some 14,000 acres of land, called the Badito Carey project northwest of Walsenburg, to public homestead entry.

1920 May Walsenburg: This week has shown real signs of spring and trees are beginning to venture out and break their buds.

1920 June La Veta: About 150 people attended the fish fry sponsored by the La Veta Commercial Club in honor of the directors of the Spanish Peaks Playground Association.

1920 June La Veta: C.J. Rilling was appointed town marshal.

1920 June La Veta: D.A. Webb bought the Lester building on Main Street, which currently houses the undertaking parlor.

1920 June La Veta: Damaso Vigil bought the William Kincaid ranch east of town, one of the best in the county.

1920 June La Veta: G.A. Mayes has lately placed signs advertising Cuchara Camps along the principal highways as far south as Raton, N. Mex., directing the way for tourists.

1920 June La Veta: Lillian M. Vories, sister of Mrs. John Bruce and Mrs. Luther Kitchen, married Elder W.W. Wheeler in Buenos Aires, South America.

1920 June La Veta: Mrs. Daigre sold her home on the north side of Field Street to Ples Phillips for $2,500.

1920 June La Veta: Railroad Park has been seeded to grass.

1920 June La Veta: The dance pavilion at Cuchara Camps has again been enlarged and is now connected to the commissary and main building.

1920 June Walsenburg: A sane Fourth will be in order at Mesa School house, 13 miles southeast of here, with a big dinner, games and other exercises.

1920 June Walsenburg: About 100 attended the ballgame at Mesa, which Rattlesnake Buttes won 5-4 over the home team.

1920 June Walsenburg: Ad - Creamery butter, 52˘, a pound, a dozen lemons 35˘ and Schilling Coffee, 62˘ a pound at Common Sense Grocery, 606 Main.

1920 June Walsenburg: Beginning June 12, there will be a dance at Cuchara Camps every Saturday night.

1920 June Walsenburg: City Council was presented a petition for paving to continue from fully 60 percent of the property owners fronting on Main Street, representing 80 percent of the frontage.

1920 June Walsenburg: Dr. Mustain's new dental office is very well equipped.

1920 June Walsenburg: Henry Gordon is erecting a building on the back of his lot on Russell Street and will put in a stock of groceries.

1920 June Walsenburg: Members of the Rattlesnake Buttes farm club graded one mile of road that was causing them trouble.

1920 June Walsenburg: Mike Reviglio sold his business opposite the Independent office and bought R.B. Vaughan's interest in Central Garage.

1920 June Walsenburg: One hundred and fifty Walsenburg lots will be sold at one-fourth down and $10 a month.

1920 June Walsenburg: R.B. Vaughan, formerly at Central Garage, and M.S. Anderson of Sears and Sears, opened the Auto Trim Shop opposite the Independent office.

1920 June Walsenburg: Ravenwood beat the Walsen Spanish-American team 4 to 3.

1920 June Walsenburg: The Cameron bowling team beat Ideal at the Walsen YMCA 2025-2018.

1920 June Walsenburg: The Huerfano County High School team defeated the Spanish-American team of Walsen 12-2.

1920 June Walsenburg: The street department is hauling yellow dirt on the streets again. A four-weeks-old baby can see that such work is money and time thrown away.

1920 June Walsenburg: We have just added another labor saving device in this office. It is a folder.

1920 June Walsenburg: Wedding Breakfast Coffee, 48 cents a pound at The Common Sense Grocery, 606 Main Street. 

1920 June Walsenburg: Will take a limited number of pupils for China painting class. Mrs. H.J. Nickolds, 125 West Sixth Street.

1920 July La Veta: Edwin L. Smith and E.V. Gibbons bought the building south of Smith's store and will open an auto show room as soon as Mr. Webb vacates to the next store south.

1920 July La Veta: Edwin L. Smith bought the small cement block building west of his store on Francisco Street from J.M. Elrod.

1920 July La Veta: Hiram Baker, a Civil War veteran and resident of the area since 1871, died at his home in Oakview.

1920 July La Veta: John Bowdino bought the 160 acre place of Miss Fisher on the Wahatoya.

1920 July La Veta: Miss Dorothy Thompson of Walsenburg, teacher at the school at the head of the Cucharas, replaced Miss Claudia Groves in the La Veta school.

1920 July La Veta: T.F. Haase has moved his family into his roomy new residence.

1920 July La Veta: The Anson, Eggleston and Willis families attended the annual Russell reunion over La Veta Pass Sunday.

1920 July La Veta: The dance pavilion at Cuchara Camps has again been enlarged and is now connected to the commissary and main building.

1920 July Walsenburg: Lewis S. Brown will open a music store in a room of the Walsenburg Electric Company.

1920 July Walsenburg: Merritt Brothers just sold their 1800 acre sheep ranch for about $40,000 through Neelley Realty Company.

1920 July Walsenburg: The Methodist Ice Cream Social netted about $55.

1920 July Walsenburg: The Methodist ice cream social netted about $55.

1920 July Walsenburg: The Walsen Spanish American team beat Ravenwood in the baseball game 1 to 0.

1920 August La Veta: According to the Denver Post, the Denver and Rio Grande laid its first rails 49 years ago on July 27, 1871.

1920 August La Veta: Brunk's Comedians, an excellent company of artists of good clean fun, will be here all week in their own electric lighted, waterproof tent theatre.

1920 August La Veta: D.A. Webb has moved his shoe shop to his newly purchased building on Main Street south of Smith's store.

1920 August La Veta: George A. Edmonston has sold his mercantile business to the Cash Saving Stores Company, a stock company.

1920 August La Veta: Hamilton Beach is being frequented by several lady bathers hardy enough to stand the temperature of the water.

1920 August La Veta: La Veta's assessed valuation is $388,420 and at the nine mill levy, this produces an income of $3,495. Water rentals bring in $2,400 and other taxes $700, making a total income of $6,600 annually.

1920 August La Veta: M.M. Beck bought the Adamson property on Francisco Street for $850.

1920 August La Veta: The new census shows a Population of 16,879 in Huerfano County, compared to 13,320 in 1910.

1920 August La Veta: The new census shows La Veta to have a population of 737, compared to 691 in 1910 and 254 in 1900.

1920 August La Veta: The schoolhouse has been wired for electricity.

1920 August La Veta: Two cottages are complete and occupied at the camp site at Blue Lake but the road up there is not ready for travel.

1920 August Walsenburg: Mrs. Glen Bruner, the former Edith Williams, was given a miscellaneous shower at the Walsen Club Wednesday.

1920 August Walsenburg: Showing Saturday, our first display of millinery fashions for fall, Benine's Millinery, successor to Mrs. Fawks, in the Walsen block.

1920 August Walsenburg: The body of Private John Furphy was received home and given burial Tuesday.

1920 August Walsenburg: The Harrison Stock Company with 30 people will appear at a Sunday matinee at the Star Theater, 75 cents and 55 cents (war tax included).

1920 August Walsenburg: The Harrison Stock Company with 30 performers will appear at a Sunday matinee at the Star Theater. Tickets 75˘, and 55˘, war tax included.

1920 August Walsenburg: The sheriff's office spent $6,402.08 in 1917 and 1918 for auto hire alone.

1920 August Walsenburg: UMWA organizer Mike Salvage is moving back to our

1920 August Walsenburg: UMWA organizer Mike Salvage is moving back to our burg.

1920 August: The Palace Meat Market, Cross and Williams proprietors, premium hams for 52 cent pound, or 65 cents a pound sliced.

1920 Sept. 17: Gussie Archuleta, the daughter of Ben Archuleta and a high school graduate, was married to Reinaldo Bustos last Tuesday, September 14 at St. Mary Church by Father Liciotti.  Reinaldo is the son of Juan Bustos, prominent rancher of Cucharas. Following the wedding banquet at the Opera House Cafe, attended by 100 people, the newlyweds left for a wedding trip, The Independent

1920 September La Veta: George A. Edmonston sold out his stock to the Cash Savings Stores Company.

1920 September La Veta: H.B. Sager was killed in an automobile accident.

1920 September La Veta: Mrs. Charles Spielmann sold six lots on Oak Street to Thomas H. Nogle who plans to plant them in strawberries.

1920 September La Veta: Mrs. Karst of Walsenburg has purchased the furnishings of the Spanish Peaks Hotel and Maple Leaf Cafe and will take over business the first of October.

1920 September La Veta: Nathan (Dewey) Marker was granted a scholarship to the State Teachers College at Greeley by the National War Workers Council of the Y.M.C.A.

1920 September La Veta: Pothoff, who bought the Bassinger restaurant for $250 with the intention of putting in a bakery, sold it to F.M. Eggleston for $50 instead.

1920 September La Veta: Rev. Slipher of the Methodist Church has been transferred to serve the Rye area.

1920 September La Veta: The District No. 9 branch school on the Cucharas will be closed and the students transported to town.

1920 September La Veta: Two cars collided near the railroad bridge below Oakview on the dangerous curve but fortunately the accident was harder on the cars than on the occupants.

1920 September Walsenburg: A new colored Baptist church was organized Sept. 23 by representatives from the Mt. Olive Baptist Church of Lester.

1920 September Walsenburg: A new colored Baptist Church was organized Sunday by representatives from Mount Olive Baptist Church of Lester.

1920 September Walsenburg: About a dozen young desperadoes have been rounded up by city police after much petty thievery and many breakins. 

1920 September Walsenburg: Ben Markham, a Mutual miner, was struck and killed by a northbound D&RG near Red Camp.

1920 September Walsenburg: Hill and Wayt are extending their lumberyard building back to the alley.

1920 September Walsenburg: James M. Lamme, M.D., specializing in eye, ear, nose and throat, hours 9-12 and 3-4, at the corner of Main and Seventh.

1920 September Walsenburg: Louis Pozzi, alleged disturber of the peace and accredited IWW organizer, was taken into custody Sunday by sheriff's officers after visiting several camps.

1920 September Walsenburg: Mrs. Nora Crist won the Dort automobile in the Independent subscription contest.

1920 September Walsenburg: On Oct. 2 the Apache Farm Union will give a picnic and fair while dedicating the fine new school building. Bring your exhibits and a full dinner basket.

1920 September Walsenburg: Senior class officers at Walsenburg High School are Sam Tessitore, president; Julia Jaramillo, vice president; Sidney Chattick, secretary and Henry McNally, treasurer.

1920 September Walsenburg: Several times this paper has called attention to the many young boys aged eight to 15 found on the streets, in pool halls and running wild generally both day and night.

1920 September Walsenburg: The D&RG passenger station was destroyed by fire Tuesday night, which also consumed the west bound mail. The building was about 30 years old.

1920 September Walsenburg: The Lady Maccabees of Turner enjoyed a good crowd at their dance last Saturday evening.

1920 September Walsenburg: The Lady Maccabees of Turner enjoyed a good crowd at their dance Saturday evening.

1920 September Walsenburg: The municipal campgrounds down by the river have been well patronized.

1920 September Walsenburg: The Star Confectionery, Maccabee Hall and several private residences have been vandalized and robbed this week.

1920 October La Veta: After the big snowstorm snapped wires, the Ojo mine is filling with water without the use of the electric pump. It will be another week before La Veta gets "juice" and the phones are still out as well.

1920 October La Veta: Barber shops in La Veta have changed hours and will now be open from 8 a.m. until 6 p.m. weekdays and from 8 a.m. until 10 p.m. Saturdays.

1920 October La Veta: Former residents J.M. Garren and Sallie Strange were married in California.

1920 October La Veta: George Coleman is doing the work on the new cement-based street lamps to be placed at the intersections to answer for "traffic cops" to slow down traffic.

1920 October La Veta: Martin Kauser, 21, fire boss, was killed by a fall of rock in the Oakview mine. His father was killed in the Segundo mine some years ago. 

1920 October La Veta: Mrs. Karst bought the Maple Leaf Cafe in the Spanish Peaks Hotel.

1920 October La Veta: The county assessment for 1919 was $14,317,448, compared to $12,272,495 just five years earlier.

1920 October La Veta: The tax levied for 1919 was 3.47 for the state and 8.50 for Huerfano County, compared to 1.39 for Colorado and 7.30 for the county just five years ago.

1920 October La Veta: Three hostlers are now employed at the roundhouse.

1920 October La Veta: Walter S. Chapman, who is running for county treasurer, was the star witness against La Veta miners in the 1913-14 strike.

1920 October Walsenburg: A devastating 18 inch snowfall was received Oct. 14, causing power lines to fall and the city was in the dark for two days, causing the newspaper to be published on Monday instead of Friday.

1920 October Walsenburg: At the Star Theatre Oct. 7, Harvey's Greater Minstrels and the Octoroon Beauty Chorus, including 50 people and 15 actors. Watch for the parade.

1920 October Walsenburg: County Surveyor Ovie Francisco is taking bids to connect Huerfano County High School with the Walsenburg sewer system.

1920 October Walsenburg: Mr. and Mrs. Canuto Maldonado have leased the Victoria Hotel.

1920 October Walsenburg: Over 100 couples attended the Retail Clerks Association dance Saturday night in Maccabee Hall.

1920 October Walsenburg: The Ellison-White Chautauqua will appear at the Strand Theater two nights, at the fairgrounds three nights and the pavilion two nights. Admission 77 cents plus eight cents war tax.

1920 October Walsenburg: The Ellison-White Chautauqua will appear at the Strand Theatre two nights, at the fairgrounds three nights and the pavilion two nights. Admission is 77˘ plus 8˘ war tax.

1920 October Walsenburg: The Mt. Zion Colored Baptist Church has secured the Steele building on West Seventh where the colored barber shop used to be and will hold services there each Sunday.

1920 November La Veta: A few of the new street lights on the curb have been installed and we hope that no more collisions occur.

1920 November La Veta: Adolph and Elsie Goemmer came down from college at Boulder to see their uncle Gus elected county commissioner.

1920 November La Veta: Edwin L. Smith is installing a meat market at his store on the corner.

1920 November La Veta: Emil Schmidt, 87-year-old pioneer of Pass Creek, died Friday.

1920 November La Veta: The fourth school bus arrived Wednesday and the regular drivers are Messrs. Kirkpatrick, Mathews, Williams and Baione.

1920 November La Veta: There is to be a masquerade ball tomorrow night in Kincaid's Hall.

1920 November Walsenburg: Advertisements have been posted for bids to carry the mail twice a day between Walsenburg and Ravenwood.

1920 November Walsenburg: Advertisements have been posted for bids to carry the mail twice a day between Walsenburg and Ravenwood.

1920 November Walsenburg: Burglars smashed the plate glass windows and stole diamonds and watches from Fred Barron's jewelry store.

1920 November Walsenburg: Burglars smashed the plate glass windows and stole diamonds and watches from Fred Barron's jewelry store.

1920 November Walsenburg: Night classes for those desiring citizenship are being held in Ideal, Pictou, Walsenburg, Tioga and Big Four.

1920 November Walsenburg: Night classes for those desiring citizenship are being held in Ideal, Pictou, Walsenburg, Tioga and Big Four.

1920 November Walsenburg: See the new Nash Sport Model at the Main Garage. $2,075 delivered for cord tires and standard equipment.

1920 November Walsenburg: See the new Nash Sport Model at the Main Garage. $2,075 delivered; cord tires and standard equipment.

1920 November Walsenburg: Several wagons found their way into irrigation ditches and waste paper receptacles were turned upside down on Main Street on Halloween - where were the police?

1920 November Walsenburg: The American Legion is planning an Armistice Day celebration Nov. 11 and it is hoped that merchants will close their businesses in honor of the event.

1920 November Walsenburg: The bridge across Bear Creek, south of town, is completed and in use. It makes a big improvement.

1920 November Walsenburg: The new bridge across the Cucharas on South Main is nearing completion, replacing the old curve and bridge, which was an eyesore.

1920 November Walsenburg: The new high school on Walsen Avenue on Capitol Hill is almost completed, with three stories of red brick and 34 rooms.

1920 November Walsenburg: The post office department will hold examinations Dec. 21 to fill the postmaster vacancy here. The job pays $2,500 a year.

1920 November Walsenburg: The post office department will hold exams Dec. 21 to fill the vacancy of postmaster here. The job pays $2,500 a year. 

1920 December La Veta: Ed Roberts opened a shoe repair shop in the Masonic building next door to Gibbons Hardware.

1920 December La Veta: Ernest Stanturf  leased the Spanish Peaks Hotel.

1920 December La Veta: Floyd Moore quit working at the family ranch and is going into business with his brother Herbert in Trinidad.

1920 December La Veta: Mrs. Daigre lost most of her furnishings in a fire at her home about 9 a.m. Saturday.

1920 December La Veta: Remember the Methodist bazaar tomorrow in the Micheletti building.

1920 December La Veta: The Commercial Club needs articles such as mounted specimens of fish, bird and beast to advertise the San Isabel National Forest in the Congress Hotel in Pueblo.

1920 December La Veta: The Farmers Union cleared $51.50 on their dance and supper last Friday night.

1920 December La Veta: W.G. Jamison, one of an executive committee of 12 from all over the United States, returned from the annual meeting of American Federation of Farm Bureaus at Indianapolis.

1920 December La Veta:  The Methodist people made about $235 at their holiday bazaar last week.

1920 December Walsenburg: A large deposit of soap, in the form of volcano ash, was found near Gardner and shipped out by a Denver company.

1920 December Walsenburg: About 70 students at Gardner entertained a large crowd with a Christmas program last Thursday night.

1920 December Walsenburg: About 70 students at Gardner entertained a large crowd with a Christmas program Thursday evening.

1920 December Walsenburg: About 70 students at Gardner school entertained a large crowd with a Christmas program Thursday evening.

1920 December Walsenburg: At least 55, attended the seed corn show at the Pauley community last Saturday.

1920 December Walsenburg: Fred O. Roof resigned as president of the First National and James B. Dick was elected to replace him.

1920 December Walsenburg: Go to the Huerfano County Garage, 117 West Seventh, for gas, oil, tires or repairs.

1920 December Walsenburg: Huerfano County Garage, gas, oil, tires, repairs. 117 West Seventh.

1920 December Walsenburg: J.S. Hunter has sold 76 turkeys for $353.14.

1920 December Walsenburg: Levy and Dawson are selling both the Strand and Rex theaters to Sara and Yeoman.

1920: Seventy students of the Gardner school entertained with a Christmas program Thursday night.

1921 January La Veta: Everett Hazard is opening a cleaning establishment in half of the Mauldin building and George Price retains the other half with his army goods store.

1921 January La Veta: Joe Ross and James Mahaney returned to their school for the blind Monday after playing for several dances over the holidays.

1921 January La Veta: Joe Ross and James Mahaney, both proficient musicians, have returned to the school for the blind in Colorado Springs.

1921 January La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Paul now have charge of the culinary department at the La Veta Cafe.

1921 January La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. K.C. Edminsten have partitioned off eight rooms for rent in the Micheletti building and will operate the Home Dairy restaurant in the front with a real estate office.

1921 January La Veta: Senator East has introduced a bill to the Colorado legislature to establish a fish hatchery here.

1921 January La Veta: The Commercial Club has secured railroad land west of the creek for an automobile camping ground.

1921 January La Veta: The local Farmers Union had a social with their wives and children at their hall on Christmas Eve.

1921 January La Veta: The town is considering buying the vacant block on east Virginia Street for a public park.

1921 January La Veta: William McEvoy replaces L.M. Kreutzer as manager of the Farmers Supply company store.

1921 January Walsenburg: Hot tamales, chili hamburgers, 10˘ at The Cupboard, opposite Kalmes store.

1921 January Walsenburg: If you have an old mattress you can spare call the Red Cross headquarters.  It will be put to good use.

1921 January Walsenburg: Miss Stevens who lives on upper Main Street in the old county jail is quite sick and confined to her bed.

1921 January Walsenburg: Mrs. Willburn, teacher at Maes Creek, helped her students construct text books since the school is short of readers.

1921 February La Veta: A reception was held at Stranger Hall Monday for Rev. and Mrs. Charles Gwynn, the new Baptist minister and his wife.

1921 February La Veta: Citizens attending the Town board meeting Tuesday evening voted 12 to one to let go of the town property at the head of the Cucharas.

1921 February La Veta: Everett Hazard is opening a cleaning establishment in half of the Mauldin building while George price is occupying the other half with a stock of army goods.

1921 February La Veta: Floyd Garritson quit as machinist at Star Garage and is working at La Veta Automotive.

1921 February La Veta: John Elley escaped serious injury when one of his team fell while crossing the Dotson ditch on school house hill and upset the wagon filled with bales of hay.

1921 February La Veta: Paul Erwin lost a stack of hay to fire Monday, caused by sparks from a passing locomotive.

1921 February La Veta: The ground hog saw its shadow but it doesn't make much difference, anyway, for we have three months more of winter at best.

1921 February Walsenburg: Dr. Greear says he needs to get out more, so will make house calls day or night. He will soon get a phone in his office in the Dick building on Fifth Street.

1921 February Walsenburg: Mrs. George O'Connor presides over the school at Cucharas, a room 16 by 12 feet so crowded the pupils all but climb over each other.

1921 February Walsenburg: The Domestic Science class has opened a cafeteria at Huerfano County High School for the convenience of those students who live beyond walking distance of the school.

1921 March La Veta: Barton Gross took over management of the Spanish Peaks Hotel.

1921 March La Veta: Born, a boy to the Fenton Martins and a girl to the Van Pattens.

1921 March La Veta: David Firm had his grandson John Shanks, who was killed in a boxing match, buried in the family plot in the La Veta Cemetery.

1921 March La Veta: Dr. A.J. Chisolm is moving to Denver and is desirous of selling the hospital here.

1921 March La Veta: Fred Vasquez and Dorothy Richman won the prizes for the best costumes at the St. Patrick's Masquerade Dance.

1921 March La Veta: Howard Moore has moved back on to his father's ranch and Floyd Moore is occupying part of the Joe Pickens residence.

1921 March La Veta: J.W. Tinsley sold the restaurant and meat market to Messrs. Van Patten, Ward and Roberts.

1921 March La Veta: Kenneth Baker, Ruth Elley and George Tiedeman have been chosen to represent the school in the county reading contest.

1921 March La Veta: Kenneth Baker, Ruth Elley and George Tiedeman have been chosen to represent the school in the county reading contest.

1921 March La Veta: Miss Lucille Gray wants to sell her 240 acre ranch three miles from La Veta on the road to Walsenburg.

1921 March La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. S.E. White of Boulder have taken charge of the Cash Savings store as managers to replace George Edmonston, who is going back east with his family.

1921 March La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. S.E. White of Boulder have taken charge of the Cash Savings store as managers to replace George Edmonston, who is going back east with his family.

1921 March La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Turk Moore are having the exterior of their Main Street home covered with iron sheeting.

1921 March La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Turk Moore are having the exterior of their Main Street home covered with iron sheeting.

1921 March La Veta: Mrs. M.L. England has bought the Lem Smith property.

1921 March La Veta: Mrs. Mott McRae opened a ladies ready-to-wear in the old post office building belonging to Egglestons.

1921 March La Veta: Sterge Mavrodis is installing a public drinking fountain in front of the post office.

1921 March La Veta: The La Veta National Farm Loan Association is again doing business with J.E. Coe as president and John Elley, secretary.

1921 March La Veta: The town is planting trees around the lately purchased park or playground in east La Veta.

1921 March La Veta: There are 470 registered voters in La Veta.

1921 March La Veta:  Joseph Akers, the husband of Edith Marker, died at the age of 42 at Camp Dix, N.J.

1921 April La Veta: A.J. Roush and his mother, Mrs. J.B. Wright, sold their ranch, the former F.C. Sager place, to A.P. Atchison for $26,000.

1921 April La Veta: D.M. Ward bought the Ashbrook house in east La Veta and the Ashbrooks have moved to the Hamilton stone house near the lakes.

1921 April La Veta: D.M. Ward bought the Ashbrook house in east La Veta and the Ashbrooks have moved to the Hamilton stone house near the lakes.

1921 April La Veta: Frank Baysinger moved over from Stonewall and is occupying one of the Estes houses south of town.

1921 April La Veta: J.T. Manning has purchased the Capps home on Francisco Street and sold his own on Field to E.C. Stream.

1921 April La Veta: Jimmie Ghiardi has taken over the Crystal Theater and it will be open Monday, Wednesday and Saturday evenings.

1921 April La Veta: Jimmy Ghiardi now has the Crystal Theatre.

1921 April La Veta: L.P. Springer's jewelry and watch repair shop moved to the Mauldin building.

1921 April La Veta: Levi Kincaid bought the Dr. S.J. Lamme house on Ryus Avenue and will move his family into it.

1921 April La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Arch Mauldin are moving to their ranch and will put up a four-room house.

1921 April La Veta: The American veterans of the world war were in the vicinity this week seeking a location for a recreation camp for disabled soldiers. They found a spot in Price canon where they could build cabins for about $3,500.

1921 April La Veta: The American veterans of the world war were in the vicinity this week seeking a location for a recreation camp for disabled soldiers. They found a spot in Price canon where they could build cabins for about $3,500.

1921 April La Veta: The basket social last night netted $28.55 to be used toward a children's recreation ground.

1921 April La Veta: W.H. Adamson is busy cleaning up his park on Oak Street which would be an ideal spot for summer cottages.

1921 April La Veta: Will Boyd bought the Parker brothers' automobile repair shop and took the fixtures to his own garage.

1921 April Walsenburg: If there is no news this week, blame it on the wind.

1921 May 8: Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church Rev. J.B. Liciotti, Pastor

1921 May La Veta: A grandstand is under construction at the baseball park.

1921 May La Veta: Allen Roush says La Veta Automotive Company has sold 17 flivvers since the first of March.

1921 May La Veta: In the Wahatoya School District, 11 votes were cast to build the new stone $3,000 school house and none against.

1921 May La Veta: It is proposed to construct some retaining ponds along the river for young trout with which to stock the creeks.

1921 May La Veta: L.P. Springer has removed his jewelry and watch-repairing establishment into the Mauldin building.

1921 May La Veta: La Veta lost the ball game at Oakview Sunday afternoon by a score of 7 to 4.

1921 May La Veta: Mrs. Oscar Smith closed her school near Aguilar and is back with her husband on their ranch below town. 

1921 May La Veta: Of the many things planted by the ladies in the railroad park last year, the flags seem to be about all that have survived.

1921 May La Veta: Roy Mathews bought and moved into the McDonald stone house on Field Street and Mrs. Richman rented the stone house at the corner of Oak and Francisco.

1921 June La Veta: A.J. Roush and his mother Mrs. J.B. Wright sold their ranch, the former F.C. Sager place, to A.P. Atchison for $26,000.

1921 June La Veta: Because of the flood damage to the tracks between Pueblo and Canon City, through trains will be routed through La Veta.

1921 June La Veta: C.L. Martin bought the lots at the corner of Main and Field from Harry Capps and is thinking of building a residence.

1921 June La Veta: E.C. Myers is now sporting a horse and buggy to deliver his milk, the hand cart being unsuitable in this hot weather.

1921 June La Veta: E.L. Smith's new stone building on the corner will have a separate storeroom on the southeast side and a balcony to show off the carpets.

1921 June La Veta: La Veta citizens were generous with their donations for the relief of the Pueblo flood victims.

1921 June La Veta: Miss Cleo Vasquez is working at the bakery and Miss Byrdie Beamer is answering your demands on the telephone.

1921 June La Veta: Miss Pansy Beamer won first place and Miss Cleo Vasquez second in the popular girl contest at the Pastime Theatre.

1921 June La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Conkle have opened the Tourist Cafe, offering short orders and rooms, in the former Edminsten restaurant.

1921 June La Veta: The local farmers union will have a Community Fair Sept. 21-22 in Galassini hall.

1921 June La Veta: The Popular Girl contest at the Pastime Theater was won by Miss Pansy Beamer, first, and Miss Cleo Vasquez, second.

1921 June La Veta: Tom Hustes [sic] resigned his position at Smith's store and expects to drive to California with his family.

1921 July La Veta: At Kincaid Hall on July 4th, a big six-reel special, "Out of the Snows," plus a picture of the recent Pueblo Flood and a good comedy. Admission 10 cents and 25 cents.

1921 July La Veta: Byrdie Beamer expects to leave for Bozeman, Montana Sunday to take a three-year nursing course.

1921 July La Veta: Carpets of wildflowers cover the top of La Veta Pass - one of the grandest sights it has ever been our pleasure to set eyes upon.

1921 July La Veta: Joe K. Kincaid was one of the attendees at the Old Timers' Picnic at Russell last Sunday. 

1921 July La Veta: Miss Julia Ward is filling the position vacated by Miss Margaret Price in the Oakview post office.

1921 July La Veta: The forest service quit work on the Blue Lake road because of lack of funds and efforts are being made to have the county complete the road.

1921 July Walsenburg: County Coroner Aubert Durnell died Sunday evening.

1921 August La Veta: Frank Erwin, Art Foote and some youngsters negotiated Indian Creek Pass Sunday in a spring wagon.

1921 August La Veta: G.A. Mayes now has 13 rental cottages in Cuchara Camps and there are also 25 privately owned cabins.

1921 August La Veta: La Veta defeated the Walsen-Huerfano team at Walsen Sunday 7-3.

1921 August La Veta: La Veta's Shoe Hospital, B. Amiday and Company, in the Masonic building.

1921 August La Veta: Ravenswood [sic] came to La Veta Sunday to play ball and left with a 19-5 defeat.

1921 August La Veta: Ray Coleman and Cornelia Simpson were married this week.

1921 August La Veta: There are now 25 privately owned cabins in Cuchara Camps and Mr. Mayes has 13 others for renting purposes.

1921 August La Veta: Two wagonloads of ripe tomatoes were brought into town yesterday and were selling for ten cents a pound. 1924: William Culler is taking a break from barbering and works as night clerk at the Spanish Peaks Hotel.

1921 August Walsenburg: A 150-member choir is being organized.

1921 August Walsenburg: A junior high school will be opened this fall in the new high school building.

1921 August Walsenburg: A junior high school will be opened this fall in the new high school building.

1921 August Walsenburg: All kinds of cement work by experienced man. J.C. Sanchez and Son, east end of Eighth Street.

1921 August Walsenburg: Frederick won the First Aid Contest of the Colorado Fuel and Iron Company, Pictou was second and Berwind, Ideal and Rouse tied for third. Others competing were Primero, Walsen, Kebler, Cameron and Rockdale.

1921 August Walsenburg: Snodgrass Food Company purchased the stock and business of the Palace Market on West Sixth Street and will open Wednesday.

1921 August Walsenburg: The old bridge across Bear Creek on the Trinidad road was removed to the Apache near St. Mary's.

1921 August Walsenburg: The Ravenwood Cubs defeated the Berwind White Sox by a score of 12-11.

192l August Walsenburg: Frederick Mine won the CF&I First Aid Contest, with Pictou second and Berwind, Ideal and Rouse tying for third.

1921 August Walsenburg: War heroes John Jenkins and Steve Duzenack were laid to rest Sunday after their remains were returned from Europe.

1921 August: The old bridge across Bear Creek on the Trinidad road was removed to Apache Creek near St. Mary's.

1921 September La Veta: Chevrolet Model 49, $695 at the Star Garage.

1921 September La Veta: Enrollment is 323, 61 of which are in the high school (31 boys, 30 girls).

1921 September La Veta: Fifteen members of the Ladies Aid of the Presbyterian Church enjoyed a picnic and pinon nut hunt on Pinon or Martin hill north of La Veta.

1921 September La Veta: Get your bedding, cooking, utensils, etc., at Ownbey's Furniture Store.

1921 September La Veta: Iver H. Dailey threshed out about 5,200 bushels of wheat off his 400 acres.

1921 September La Veta: Mr. Masinton won the first prize at the Crystal Theatre, a 26-piece silver set.

1921 September La Veta: Mrs. C.E. Turner and son made the drive to Denver in nine hours and 15 minutes including a stop for lunch. Pretty good for an old Tin Lizzy over five years old.

1921 September La Veta: Mrs. Robert Owenby has bought the Benefiel stock of furniture and will continue the business in the same location.

1921 September La Veta: Some ten railroad cars loaded with potatoes jumped the track near Codo last Friday and blocked traffic for 24 hours.

1921 September La Veta: The enrollment of 323 includes 61 students in the high school and 262 in the grades.

1921 September La Veta: W.L. Warner is improving his cottage at Cuchara Camps by enlarging and screening in the porch accommodations.

1921 September Walsenburg: Charles Dick, Walsenburg's crack pitcher, will be in the Denver Post state tournament.

1921 September Walsenburg: Sixty or 70 miners at Cameron organized a local of the UMWA Sunday.

1921 September Walsenburg: The county commissioners have purchased a Best 60 horsepower Caterpillar and a Gallion Giant Premier grader for upkeep of the roads.

1921 September: The Annex Jazz Orchestra will play for dances at Maccabee Hall Oct. 4, 5 and 6.

1921: Mr. and Mrs. K.C. Edmisten have partitioned off eight rooms for rent in the Micheletti building and are conducting a restaurant and real estate office in the front part.

1921 Oct. 25: What advantage is it to live at the mouth of the biggest coal mine in the state? Walsenburg People are paying $7.75 per ton, while good coal is being delivered in Denver at $6.50 per ton. The Independent

1921 October La Veta: Benton Canon first raw the La Veta valley in 1865 when Francisco and Daigre were still running the trading post in the Old Adobies still standing, the only building in the valley at that time.

1921 October La Veta: E.L. Smith is handling cash sales only now. Sale items include 13 pounds of sugar, $1; fancy prunes, 17½˘ per pound; five rolls of toilet paper, 25˘.

1921 October La Veta: Eugene Lougheed is now in charge of the flour mill.

1921 October La Veta: Hallowe'en is tonight; put your goods and chattels under cover.

1921 October La Veta: Hugh Sager and Sarah Atchison were married Oct. 23 by Rev. Gunby in the Methodist Church.

1921 October La Veta: Lew Haase died in Denver, leaving his wife, the former Pheney Erwin.

1921 October La Veta: Mrs. Margaret Garren Kitchen died after catching a cold at the Pioneer Day celebration.

1921 October La Veta: The crossing of Sand Arroyo on the road to Walsenburg is being cemented, which will be a very big improvement.

1921 October La Veta: The plumbing at the schoolhouse is completed and is now sanitary without the aid of a sewer system.

1921 October La Veta: The telephone line workers are all boarding with Mrs. Turk Moore on Main Street.

1921 October La Veta: The valuation of the La Veta School District is $1,716,407, or virtually one-sixth of the entire county valuation.

1921 October La Veta: Three to four hundred people attended Pioneer Day yesterday in the vacant lots at the corner of Field and Main Streets.

1921 October La Veta: To be happy though married - obey the laws and pay no attention to the in-laws.

1921 October Walsenburg: A double wedding Oct. 25 united in marriage Charles Lea to Neva Holmes and Floyd Holmes to Belle Lea.

1921 October Walsenburg: Dewey Reynolds has sold his interest in the California Fruit and Grocery, opposite the Independent office, to his father J.M.

1921 October Walsenburg: Down with High-Powered Rifles - - Hunt Your Game with the Kodak.

1921 October Walsenburg: Dr. P.G. Mathews and Dr. S.J. Greear have swapped offices. Now the former is downstairs and the latter upstairs in the Kearns block.  

1921 October Walsenburg: Engineers have been surveying to ascertain the cost of constructing a highway across Mosca Pass.

1921 October Walsenburg: Farmers around Mustang are losing a lot of chickens to coyotes - trapping ought to be good this winter.

1921 October Walsenburg: Harvey Starbuck resigned as county court clerk and is opening law offices in rooms over Neelley Realty Company.

1921 October Walsenburg: Huerfano County Fair is in full swing as are the Apache and Turkey Ridge community fairs.

1921 October Walsenburg: Ideal school captured first prize at the Huerfano County Fair for best exhibit of school work.

1921 October Walsenburg: Joe Manelli and family, residents of Ideal for several years, have returned to Italy to make their permanent home.

1921 October Walsenburg: Last Friday was the Apache community fair.

1921 October Walsenburg: Sam Hand was found guilty of the first degree murder of Garfield E. Calland over a boundary dispute near the Rattlesnake Buttes.

1921 October Walsenburg: Sam Hand was found guilty of the first degree murder of Garfield E. Calland over a boundary dispute near the Rattlesnake Buttes.

1921 October Walsenburg: Use Warfano Bread. Sold at all grocery stores.

1921 October Walsenburg: Use Warfano Bread. Sold at all grocery stores.

1921 November La Veta: Born, a girl to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Foote.

1921 November La Veta: Bryan Denton has purchased the Jim and Worth Baker interest in the Baker home on Oak Street.

1921 November La Veta: C.H. Brooks and F.N. Raeder threshed out 1,300 bushels of wheat, 1,000 bushels of barley and 200 bushels of emmer.

1921 November La Veta: Gov. Shoup proclaimed martial law here to handle the threatened coal strike against CF&I after the company reduced wages.

1921 November La Veta: Hugh Sager and Miss Sarah Atchison were married Oct. 23 by Rev. Gunby. They will build a house on his ranch east of town for their home.

1921 November La Veta: Hugh Sager and Sarah Atchison were married.

1921 November La Veta: Lawrence Kreutzer's ranch home is being moved into town.

1921 November La Veta: Martial law is in effect here but people seem to be very much mystified over the affair as, except for the trouble at Oakview a short time ago, everything seems quiet.

1921 November La Veta: Miss Anna Ward is now assistant postmaster.

1921 November La Veta: Sharp words between Mayor Boyd and Arthur Bruce about some stock running at large resulted in the latter being fined $5 for disturbing the peace.

1921 November La Veta: Sixty men were laid off at the Oakdale mine.

1921 November La Veta: The Amiday Shoe Hospital is putting in shelving to accommodate a complete line of footwear.

1921 November La Veta: The boys are trapping muskrats, for the price on hides and furs has risen.

1921 November La Veta: The new Wahatoya school house will probably be completed this week.

1921 November Walsenburg: Dr. Greear has moved his office upstairs in the Kearns block, first door on the left from the stair landing.

1921 November Walsenburg: Get your medicines from Huerfano County Drug Store, 116 East Fifth Street.

1921 November Walsenburg: If CF&I cuts wages to the 1917 rate, union officials say the miners will strike.

1921 November Walsenburg: Men's Ties, fifty cents each at the Strand Bargain Store.

1921 November Walsenburg: Scores of state rangers are imposing curfews on Walsenburg because of the coal strike.

1921 November Walsenburg: The Spanish Peaks and Greenhorn were covered with a nice coating of white this morning, the first snow of the season.

1921 November Walsenburg: The state rangers have been searching union miners' homes, saying they may do so because of the martial law imposed on Huerfano County.

1921 November Walsenburg: The state rangers have been searching union miners homes, they may do so because of the law imposed on Huerfano County.

1921 November Walsenburg: We will paint and varnish your auto and the side and top curtains for only $47.50. Auto Trim Shop, 114 West Seventh.

1921 November Walsenburg: We will repair your auto's top and side curtains at Auto Trim Shop, 114 West Seventh.

1921 November Walsenburg: What advantage is it to live at the mouth of the biggest coal, mine in the state? Walsenburg people are paying $7.75 per ton, while good coal is being delivered in Denver at $6.50 per ton.

1921 December La Veta: A skating party was staged at mill lake Sunday but the next day a big thaw set in and we enjoyed summer time again until this morning when a cold blast hit the town.

1921 December La Veta: A.B. Parks turned 1,700 sheep into his cornfield to have ready for market in 60 days.

1921 December La Veta: Arch Mauldin moved from the Boyd House into the Mauldin block.

1921 December La Veta: Asa and Frank Arnold are building a road up Chaperell Creek, where they will stay and cut timber this winter.

1921 December La Veta: Carl Atchison and Dora Sager were married Nov. 28.

1921 December La Veta: Dr. L.W. Lee is now operating the La Veta Hospital along with Dr. H.R. Sickafoose.

1921 December La Veta: Hiram Vasquez remodeled his home to accommodate two families and now the George Colemans occupy the south half.

1921 December La Veta: J.E. Marker has abandoned the meat market business in town.

1921 December La Veta: John Karavanas moved down from the mine and is occupying his property at the corner of Francisco and Oak Streets.

1921 December La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Howard Moore have moved to the Kitchen house on the west side of the river.

1921 December La Veta: Oakdale Mine will reopen Monday after a month of idleness when the miners were laid off.

1921 December La Veta: Oakview and Ojo mines are closed and martial law has been imposed since miners wages were cut and a strike threatened.

1921 December La Veta: Over 60 relatives attended the annual family reunion of the Hector, Stranger and Pickens families at  ranger Hall on Christmas night.

1921 December Walsenburg: A heavy wind storm has been in progress for the past several days.

1921 December Walsenburg: Doc Steele opened a tin shop in the Baxter hardware building.

1921 December Walsenburg: For sale, an eleven room stone house with a 120 foot corner lot, good location, $3,750. Edward Slates Realty.

1921 December Walsenburg: Guaranty State Bank will move to its new Main Street property, where the City Pharmacy is now.

1921 December Walsenburg: High school classes were dismissed Monday because the rooms were too cold.

1921 December Walsenburg: High school classes were dismissed Monday because the rooms were too cold.

1921 December Walsenburg: Hot tamales, chili hamburgers, 10 cents at The Cupboard, opposite Kalmes' store.

1921 December Walsenburg: N.F. Kastner of Iowa is the new cashier at Guaranty State Bank.

1921 December Walsenburg: N.F. Kastner of Iowa is the new cashier at Guaranty State Bank.

1921 December Walsenburg: R.E. Jenkins of Cameron bought one-half interest in the Huerfano County Garage from Joe Magro.

1921 December Walsenburg: T.S. "Doc" Steele opened a tin shop in the Baxter Hardware store building.

1921 December Walsenburg: The Hedwhite four-piece jazz orchestra will play for a CUPIE dance given by the Maccabees Saturday night.

1921 December Walsenburg: We have a report that Jack Caviness, son of the late town marshal John Caviness, was burned to death in California.

1921: Mrs. Charles Spielmann picked a dish of luscious strawberries from her garden this week. How's that for December in the Rockies?

1922 January La Veta: Albert Noel and George Price are trying to establish a professional radio station here.

1922 January La Veta: Earl Morris and May Arnold were married Saturday, Dec. 31 at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Mary Roberts. They will make their home on the Arch Mauldin ranch.

1922 January La Veta: Henry Lupton has rented the A.B. Dickinson ranch south of town. 

1922 January La Veta: Ice cutting is to commence this week although the ice is only eight or nine inches thick.  

1922 January La Veta: On account of a lull in the railroad business, J.W. Crawford, Frank Powell and Frank Erwin have been laid off from the roundhouse, leaving James and Walter Nuttall alone to repair the cars.

1922 January La Veta: Roy Springer Jr. is back here again and is in charge of the new Creek Meat Market.

1922 January La Veta: The athletic association has rented the Micheletti building where they are fixing up a basketball court.

1922 January La Veta: The mill lake was a popular resort Sunday with everybody skating, even parents and grandparents cutting capers like the younger folk.

1922 January La Veta: The new auto repair shop to be erected on east Francisco Street by Messrs. Vasquez and Parker is to be of sheet iron and will be 46 by 31 feet in size.

1922 January La Veta:  H. G. Hamilton is now the weigh boss at the Oakdale mine.

1922 January Walsenburg: A fire in the Furphy Brothers Garage burned three cars and scorched the hearse.

1922 January Walsenburg: A small army of alleged Turks from Denver made things lively here Sunday evening by staging a shooting and assault near the Huerfano Trading Company store near Main and Sixth streets.

1922 January Walsenburg: About 50 new members will be initiated at the Gardner Farmers Union meeting and oyster supper Saturday, Feb. 4.

1922 January Walsenburg: Fire destroyed both the Cameron school houses Jan. 20 but the nearby Colorado Supply store was saved. 1924: Kate Jeanette Unfug, widow of Charles 0. and cousin of William Allen White, died in California.

1922 January Walsenburg: Frs. Liciotti and Paul, we are informed, preached strong sermons last Sunday on the immoral conditions in this city. 

1922 January Walsenburg: judging from the speed the Huerfano County Auto club is making in completing details of the organization and securing necessary data for the future they must be hitting on six, shifted in high and have the trottle wide open.

1922 January Walsenburg: judging from the speed the Huerfano County Auto club is making in completing details of the organization and securing necessary data for the future they must be hitting on six, shifted in high and have the trottle wide open.

1922 January Walsenburg: Married: Robert Muir and Matilda Russell; Alice Elmire and Glen England of Red Wing.    

1922 January Walsenburg: Mother Superior of Sacred Heart School in Gardner has returned from Mexico with two sisters, one of whom will teach in the school.

1922 January Walsenburg: Pearson and Elliott have the contract to remodel the second floor of the Elks building.

1922 February La Veta: An Italian by the name of Umberto was killed by a fall of rock in the Oakdale mine and was buried in La Veta  Cemetery Sunday. He came here from Dawson one month ago.

1922 February La Veta: George Tiedeman and Nelson Webster have set up a wireless station at the latter's home and are getting some good results.

1922 February La Veta: Julian Beamer and Doris Webster celebrated their birthdays Saturday evening at the Carson home with 24 of their young friends.

1922 February La Veta: Martial law ended with the removal of the state rangers Saturday. We are glad for Mayor Boyd's sake as they seemed to getting on his nerves.

1922 February La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Al Coleman tore down the old adobe school house on Main Street and will build a modern five room house.

1922 February La Veta: Some 30 men are digging ditches for the new sewer line, which started on Ryus Avenue and thence along the alley between it and Francisco Street.

1922 February La Veta: The little adobie schoolhouse is gone. Mr. and Mrs. Al Coleman own the site and will build a five room house, using the adobies in its construction. 

1922 February La Veta: The post office is to be moved to its new location one-half block north on Main Street next Sunday.

1922 February La Veta: The town board upheld its reputation of ignoring the wishes and protests of the citizens by letting the sewer system contract to Reed Construction Company of Denver for $24,500.

1922 February La Veta: Town Board upheld its reputation of ignoring protests and awarded a contract to Reed Construction Company of Denver to build the sewer system for $24,500.

1922 February La Veta: W.J. Berry is now managing the Crystal Theater since the Pastime closed.

1922 February La Veta: Walsenburg beat La Veta in basketball by a score of 8 to 3.

1922 February Walsenburg: A case of smallpox is reported near the C&S station but we don't know who it is.

1922 February Walsenburg: During a dance at a soft drink and dance hall on Seventh Street Wednesday, police officer Jose Trujillo exchanged shots with an intoxicated man who emptied his pistol at him.

1922 February Walsenburg: During a dance at a soft drink parlor and dance hall on Seventh Street Wednesday, police officer Jose Trujillo exchanged shots with an intoxicated man who emptied his pistol at him.

1922 February Walsenburg: George Nickolds, president of the Walsenburg Commercial Club, says enough signatures have been secured to start the proposed paving district in Walsenburg.

1922 February Walsenburg: Huerfano County High School defeated La Veta High School 8-3 in a basketball game here.

1922 February Walsenburg: Mr. Lowry, father of Albert and Jack Lowry of this city, died Friday and his wife died Saturday.

1922 February Walsenburg: Mrs. Taylor Thorne has returned from Pueblo and resumed her school work at Rahn School.

1922 February Walsenburg: Sam Hand, who murdered his neighbor at Rattlesnake Buttes over a boundary dispute, has escaped from the county jail.

1922 February Walsenburg: The Apache F.T.A. meeting was unusually well-attended and members were rewarded by an entertaining mock trial by the high school and eighth grade students.

1922 February Walsenburg: The Cameron bowling team met the Ideal team on the latter's alleys and lost by 98 pins, 2253 to 2155.

1922 February Walsenburg: The family of Glen Mathews are again able to be out after being quarantined with scarlet fever.

1922 February Walsenburg: The flu wave has hit some business houses hard - five employees are out from Snodgrass Grocery alone.

1922 February Walsenburg: The Guaranty State Bank will begin tearing down the front of their building and soon will erect a new banking room.

1922 February Walsenburg: The Guaranty State Bank will begin tearing down the front of their building and soon will erect a new banking room.

1922 February Walsenburg: The Huerfano Paint and Poster Company are starting work on calsomining the Strand Pool Hall.

1922 February Walsenburg: The World's Famous Original Brown's Saxophone Six is appearing at the Rex Theater.

1922 February Walsenburg: Workmen began tearing down the front of the former City Pharmacy building to remodel it for Guaranty State Bank.

1922 February Walsenburg: Workmen have begun tearing down the front of the former City Pharmacy building to remodel it for Guaranty State Bank.

1922 March 14: Henry Gordon was able to be out of doors for awhile Wednesday during the sunshine hours.

1922 March 14: Mr and Mrs Frank Cardinal are the proud parents of a baby boy born on Monday the 6th.

1922 March 14: Mr. Kaster of the Guaranty State Bank returned this morning from Denver after a short business trip.

1922 March 14: Mr. W.H. Kane who has been traveling thruout Texas on business for the Huerfano Agency, returned home Monday night.

1922 March 14: Mrs. Fenton Babbitt and Mrs. Wm. Rahn left Monday night for Colorado Springs where they will attend a convention of the Lady Macabees.

1922 March 14: Mrs. George C. Nickolds and children who are in Pueblo are expected home Saturday. The children are reported much improved in health.

1922 March 14: Mrs. J. J. Pritchard returned home Thursday after several weeks visit with her parents at Andora, Ohio.

1922 March 14: Mrs. M.E. Cowing entertained at cards at her home on East Indiana avenue Saturday afternoon.

1922 March 14: Mrs. Marshall Anderson who has been quite sick at her home on East First Street is much improved.

Walsenburg World 3-21-1922 Marie, little daughter of Mr. H.H. Houghton, of the Walsenburg school, who was thrown from a horse near their ranch, a week ago Sunday on her way from Sunday school, is reported as getting along nicely. In fact, except for quite a number of scratches and bruises, she was not burt as badly as first reported.

Walsenburg World 3-21-1922 Bootleggers Captured – Last week thru the efforts of Fred E. Klein and Marshall France, assisted ny the sheriff's office a number of arrests were made for offenses against the prohibition law. Mrs. Romero, from near the Apache was arrested for having an elaborate still in her possesion. It cost her $100 and the costs. Walter Chriterbok, living on Seventh street was another arested, His fine was $100 plus costs. Mrs. Agnes Skial in the bootleggers lottery drew a fine of $100 and the costs.

1922 March La Veta: A.A. Campbell bought the Ellsworth 120 acre ranch for $1,500.

1922 March La Veta: Died, Sarah Caroline Bruce, 82, who was born October 23, 1839 and came to Colorado from North Carolina in 1870. She leaves six sons and three daughters.

1922 March La Veta: Died, Sarah Caroline Bruce, who settled with her family above La Veta on the Cucharas in 1871. She leaves six sons and three daughters.

1922 March La Veta: Ed Sheffield opened his general blacksmithing in the old Boyd Blacksmith Shop on Francisco Street.

1922 March La Veta: For sale: six lots at the corner of Oak and Cuchara Streets, $260. Enquire of Mrs. C.E. Turner.

1922 March La Veta: La Veta beat Walsenburg at basketball, 28 to 14.

1922 March La Veta: Miss Alice Coe will graduate April 22 from Chiropractic college in Wichita, Kans.

1922 March La Veta: Mrs. Mott McRae opened her stock of ladies ready to wear in the old post office building Saturday.

1922 March La Veta: Mrs. Sarah Caroline Bruce passed away Wednesday. She was 82 years old and came to Colorado with her parents in 1870.

1922 March La Veta: Mrs. Sarah Caroline Bruce passed away Wednesday. She was 82 years old and came to Colorado with her parents in 1870.

1922 March La Veta: Ojo coal mine is open but work is sporadic.

1922 March La Veta: Some 140 people are now members of the La Veta Athletic Association which is to be incorporated.

1922 March La Veta: Thomas Crumley sold his ranches to William Kincaid for $30,000. This includes the Indian Creek farm, cattle and the home place. Mr. Crumley and Mr. and Mrs. George Smith take Kincaid's town residence.

1922 March Walsenburg: City council adopted an ordinance that pool halls may open at 7 a.m. and must close at midnight.

1922 March Walsenburg: City Council agreed to let the Saturday Club use the old city jail at the head of Main Street for a public library.

1922 March Walsenburg: Died, Mrs. Charles Mazzone, 63, Thomas Strachan, 69, Virginia Hart, 12, and Mrs. James Munn, 30.

1922 March Walsenburg: Eight people died of the flu this week, including David Ezekiel Farr, Herman Veltman and Mrs. Carolina Mazzone.

1922 March Walsenburg: For rent: two nice rooms furnished for light housekeeping. Inquire of Mrs. Lockwood, 111 Walsen Avenue.

1922 March Walsenburg: Joe Bergamo has installed a lighting plant in his home at Malachite.

1922 March Walsenburg: L.H. Kirkpatrick and Paul Wayt have purchased much of the land in the Atencio subdivision and it may be brought into the city of Walsenburg. Mrs. Atencio will be paid $500 for her residence which would be demolished to make way for a street and A. Levy, who has much land there, will dedicate some for streets and alleys.

1922 March Walsenburg: Mr. and Mrs. E.W. Mockmore are building a small cottage on East Kansas Avenue.

1922 March Walsenburg: Mrs. J.J. Wilson celebrated her 83rd birthday in Redwing with her daughters Ida Tirey and Mrs. Albert Campbell.

1922 March Walsenburg: One hundred and fifty attended the annual banquet and meeting of the Commercial Club at Maccabee Hall.

1922 March Walsenburg: The flu wave has hit some business houses hard - five employees are out from Snodgrass Grocery alone.

1922 March Walsenburg: Three hundred more pupils can be taken care of after completion of the new two-story west wing of St. Mary School.

1922 March Walsenburg: Three hundred more pupils can be taken care of after the completion of the new two-story west wing of St. Mary School.

1922 March Walsenburg: Victor M. Hovis, District Deputy Governor of Lions International, was recently in Walsenburg to organize a Lions Club.

1922 April 24: The Huerfano Trading Co., phone 64,

1922 April 29: The Liberty Store, Shaddy Bros. Dry Goods, Ladies and Gents Ready-To-Wear Goods Shoes and Boots, (stores in Walsenburg, Aguilar and Las Animas)

1922 April La Veta: Arthur A. Foote died of the flu and was buried in Pueblo. He leaves a wife, two sons and a daughter.

1922 April La Veta: Dr. J.B. Wright bought the building he's been living in on Main Street for his wife.

1922 April La Veta: Frank Hefferty of the U.M.W. will speak Sunday afternoon at the Chrystal Theater on "The Coal Strike."

1922 April La Veta: Jesse Donegan will continue her father A.A. Foote's business at the Post Office Store, offering a fountain, tobaccos, newspapers, flowers, magazines and candy.

1922 April La Veta: La Veta joined Walsenburg, Turner, Aguilar, Ravenwood and Rye to form a baseball league.

1922 April La Veta: La Veta joined Walsenburg, Turner, Aguilar, Ravenwood and Rye to form a baseball league.

1922 April La Veta: Mrs. Hy J. French has leased the soda fountain and candy stand in the Van Patten restaurant.

1922 April La Veta: Mrs. Van Patten now has a cleaning and pressing business in the Mauldin block.

1922 April La Veta: Sisto Yacconi and Miss Eliza Maes were married in St. Mary Church in Walsenburg April 17 and will make their home in the Oakview district.

1922 April La Veta: Sumpter Martin drove 750 sheep and lambs through town yesterday.

1922 April La Veta: Van Patten's restaurant is now named The American Cafe, Mrs. Nola Smith, proprietor.

1922 April Walsenburg: C.M. Buckles will no longer run the post office book store and is selling the fixtures of his confectionery shop.

1922 April Walsenburg: City Council voted to purchase modem fire equipment.

1922 April Walsenburg: Fred C. Sporleder was elected vice-president of the Guaranty State Bank.

1922 April Walsenburg: La Veta, Walsenburg, Turner, Aguilar, Ravenwood and Rye will form a new baseball league.

1922 April Walsenburg: More miners are joining the strike every day.

1922 April Walsenburg: Mr. and Mrs. Dan Unfug have moved here from Pueblo.

1922 April Walsenburg: Mr. and Mrs. E.W. Mockmore are building a small cottage on east Kansas Avenue.

1922 April Walsenburg: Plans are complete for the new Lamme Brothers' hospital and work will soon begin.

1922 April Walsenburg: The bodies of three men killed in the World War, John Vigil, Anastacio Trujillo of Rouse, and Charles Elmire of Gardner, are being returned for burial.

1922 April Walsenburg: The body of John Vigil, son of Damaso Vigil, has been returned from Europe for a proper soldier's burial.

1922 April Walsenburg: The county commissioners took over all management of the Huerfano County Fair Association from local ranchers without any consent.

1922 April Walsenburg: The Lamme brothers purchased the stone building on West Eighth, which includes 120 feet on the comer of Eighth and Albert.

1922 April Walsenburg: The marble finishings in the Guaranty State Bank were set this week and the building is nearing completion.

1922 April Walsenburg: The Pictou Young Cubs beat the Boy Scout team of Pictou 16-0 in a seven inning game.

1922 May La Veta: A scholarship to the state university is to be awarded to Miss Constance Ghiardi.

1922 May La Veta: All interested in improving the condition of the cemetery for Decoration Day, please bring your tools and be there on Saturday morning, May 27. By Mayor F.M. Eggleston.

1922 May La Veta: Ed Sheffield bought the old Goemmer blacksmith on Francisco Street and is moving his business there.

1922 May La Veta: For sale: 160 acre ranch three and a half miles south of town, 20 acres in alfalfa, 40 in wheat; well; fairly good buildings; chicken sheds; school bus passes door. John Bruce.

1922 May La Veta: Forest Ranger Gilbert moved the forest service office from the Mauldin building on Main to the McDonald building on Francisco Street.

1922 May La Veta: James Nutall left yesterday to see the American Derby in Kentucky.

1922 May La Veta: Lisle Thomas has moved into his comfortable new house of the bungalow style, and El Coleman will soon complete his five room bungalow. . 

1922 May La Veta: Mrs. J.T. Logan has purchased the little adobie [sic] house and lots west of the schoolhouse.

1922 May La Veta: Taxi Service: Phone 104J.

1922 May La Veta: The Votaw brothers bought the flour mill.

1922 May La Veta: This year's high school graduates will be Constance Ghiardi, Ruth Smith, Patty, Jamison, Jimmie Ghiardi, Cleo Vasquez, Clarence Kreutzer and Jane Elley.

1922 May Walsenburg: About 55 attended the junior-Senior "Prom."

1922 May Walsenburg: Died, Henry Gordon, 54, at his home at Fifth and Russell streets. He has lived in Walsenburg since 1877 and was a miner, rancher and merchant.

1922 May Walsenburg: Fully 2,000 people attended the Grand Opening of the Guaranty State Bank in its new home.

1922 May Walsenburg: George Nicholas, James Janos and Ben Archuleta will open a restaurant in two weeks where Buckles' cafe was.

1922 May Walsenburg: HCHS beat La Veta 28 to 7, with Shosky hitting three home runs and Max Vigil one.

1922 May Walsenburg: Huerfano County High School defeated La Veta 28-7 with Shosky hitting three home runs and Max Vigil one.

1922 May Walsenburg: Hundreds attended the baseball game between Walsenburg and Dawson, with the local team winning by a score of 14-10.

1922 May Walsenburg: Hundreds attended the baseball game here between Walsenburg and Dawson, which the home team won 14-10.

1922 May Walsenburg: Mayor Sears says contracts will be let for the proposed paving on Main Street and Walsen Avenue.

1922 May Walsenburg: Mr. and Mrs. George Dick Jr. are parents of an eight pound girl born May 2.

1922 May Walsenburg: Mr. and Mrs. George Dick Jr. became parents of an eight pound girl on May 2.

1922 May Walsenburg: Spanish Peaks Campground Association will build a phone line to Blue Lake, construct a shelter and commissary house and outdoor fireplaces and furnish the cottages.

1922 May Walsenburg: St. Mary High School graduates are Felix Bustos, John Chavez, Frances M. Nelson, Esther Gonzalez, Grace Cornwall, Christy R. Kaiser, Anna B. Jansa and Julia John.

1922 May Walsenburg: St. Mary High School graduates were Felix Bustos, John Chavez, Frances Nelson, Esther Gonzales, Grace Cornwall, Christy R. Kaiser, Anna B. Jansa and Julia John.

1922 May Walsenburg: Sunshine Williams' orchestra played for the dance last weekend at the Ideal "Y".

1922 May Walsenburg: The best buy in a closed car is the New Essex Coach at only $255 more than the open car.

1922 May Walsenburg: The best buy in a closed car is the New Essex Coach at only $255 more than the open car.

1922 May Walsenburg: The HCHS sophomores defeated the St. Mary team in a baseball game, 14-12.

1922 May Walsenburg: The Walsenburg Merchants defeated the baseball team from Ideal 1 to 6.

1922 May Walsenburg: Tom Wright is now chef at the Opera House Cafe.

1922 May Walsenburg: We watched our first game of golf Saturday afternoon.

1922 May Walsenburg: We watched our first game of golf Saturday afternoon.

1922 May Walsenburg: Williams and Dick's Central Garage is now the Hupmobile agency.

1922 June La Veta: For sale: 4 rental-room apartment house on Main Street.

1922 June La Veta: Forest Ranger Gilbert has moved his office from the Mauldin block on Main to the McDonald building on Francisco Street.

1922 June La Veta: Mrs. J.T. Logan has bought the adobie house and lots west of the school house.

1922 June La Veta: The 22-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Bruce died.

1922 June La Veta: The Huerfano County Pure Bred Livestock Breeders Association was formed here Saturday with James Firm, president, Emmett Harrison, vice president and Walter Campbell, secretary.

1922 June La Veta: The La Veta boys beat Rouse at baseball, 19 to 7.

1922 June La Veta: The stage has been torn out of Kincaid Hall which will allow more space for dancing.

1922 June La Veta: The stage has been torn out of Kincaid's hall to increase the dancing space.

1922 June La Veta: The third annual La Veta fish fry was well attended, especially by Walsenburg people.

1922 June La Veta: We understand that $900 has already been raised toward piping city water to the cemetery.

1922 June La Veta: Word just arrived that Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bruce's youngest child was drowned in the Cucharas while the family was spending the day near the Smith ranch.

1922 June Walsenburg: A new public campground for autos has been opened on South Main Street east of the bridge.

1922 June Walsenburg: A store called Huerfano Bargain Center is being opened by the Walsenburg Furniture and Dry Goods Company in a room of the Victoria Hotel on South Main, with dry goods, shoes, etc.

1922 June Walsenburg: Captain Samuel J. Capps was elected commander-in-chief of the GAR for Colorado and Wyoming.

1922 June Walsenburg: Eight students graduated from St. Mary and 17 from Huerfano County High School.

1922 June Walsenburg: Lenzini Motor Company have their new garage on West Seventh Street almost completed.

1922 June Walsenburg: Lt. Gov. Cooley stopped at the Strand Billiard Parlor a few days ago and had a chat with Mike Joseph, one of the managers.

1922 June Walsenburg: Nine autos camped the first night in the new campground adjacent to the race track.

1922 June Walsenburg: Rose Placivik, 126 West Third, won the 100 pounds of sugar at the Liberty Store.

1922 June Walsenburg: The Motor Club has hired a caretaker for their tourist camp and the buildings are almost completed. Visitors have already arrived from California, New York, Kansas, Kentucky, Texas, Wisconsin, Iowa and Oklahoma.

1922 June Walsenburg: The water system will be improved so that people on the hill will be guaranteed water.

1922 June Walsenburg: When the Spanish Peaks Circle Highway, also known as the Stonewall-Cucharas road, is complete, Southern Colorado will have a scenic highway that is destined to become nationally known.

1922 July La Veta: J.W. Vernon is making arrangements to handle all of the cream in this vicinity.

1922 July La Veta: Mrs. Edith Akers purchased the McRae property on the hill behind the schoolhouse for $1,100.

1922 July La Veta: Mrs. J.F. Coss, wife of the editor from Walsenburg, is spending the week in Wayside Inn in Cuchara Camps.

1922 July La Veta: Neal Baysinger and Mildred Smith were married Sunday evening by Rev. Gunby.

1922 July La Veta: Neal Baysinger, son of Mrs. Al Coleman, married Mildred Smith, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Smith.

1922 July La Veta: O.W. Beamer and Nelson Webster are working on the telephone line which is being constructed between Cuchara Camps and Blue Lakes Resort.

1922 July La Veta: The rain in this region last evening was great. We hope it covered the dry farm area; it was needed in those areas.

1922 July Walsenburg: A monster mass meeting of coal miners met last night at Maccabee Temple to hear Frank Hefferly, international union organizer. Speeches were also given, in Spanish and Greek.

1922 July Walsenburg: A monster mass meeting of coal miners was held last night at Maccabee Temple with speaker Frank Hefferly, international union organizer. Speeches were also given in Spanish and Greek.

1922 July Walsenburg: About 15 new members have joined the American Legion during the membership drive.

1922 July Walsenburg: Albert Galli and George Allingham of Ideal have purchased new Essex touring cars from Lenzini Motor Company.

1922 July Walsenburg: E.L. Neelley has purchased the Strator Hotel in Durango so will not run for county sheriff after all.

1922 July Walsenburg: Eighteen people loaded in four cars spent the Fourth at the cabins near Blue Lake.

1922 July Walsenburg: Frederick, 18 and the youngest son of F.E. Cowing, died.

1922 July Walsenburg: Henry Tressler invented a combination camp ground table and bench which is favorably received by tourists at the camp ground.

1922 July Walsenburg: Henry Tressler invented a combination campground table and bench which is being favorably received by tourists at the camp ground.

1922 July Walsenburg: James E. Tressler has announced he will be a candidate for sheriff.

1922 July Walsenburg: Norman Joseph has the foundation in for his new brick garage and business on South Main Street.

1922 July Walsenburg: Several fires have been reported this week in the Navalesi Photo Gallery on Main Street.

1922 July Walsenburg: Some union men were attacked by rangers at the Sandoval pool hall at Sunnyside, who accused them of being agitators.

1922 July Walsenburg: Some union men were attacked by rangers who accused them of being agitators at the Sandoval pool hall at Sunnyside.

1922 July Walsenburg: The Hudson Super Six new Sport model is now $1,885, delivered. Lenzini Motor Company.

1922 July Walsenburg: The Hudson Super Six new sport model, now $1,885 delivered. Lenzini Motor Company.

1922 July Walsenburg: The Ladies of the Altar Society are giving a card party at Ussell Memorial School July 12. Admission 25 cents. Everyone welcome.

1922 July Walsenburg: The meeting of the Walsen and Robinson miners scheduled for last night was cancelled until all county miners can gather for a mass meeting.

1922 July Walsenburg: The striking miners say they are being trailed by plain clothes men, who approach them when any number get together on the street.

1922 July Walsenburg: The water supply is so low that city water may not be used for irrigation, for a while, at least.

1922 July: The water supply is so low that city water may not be used for irrigating for a while at least.

1922 August La Veta: About 225 People enjoyed the Huerfano County Pioneer Day here Wednesday, where J.K. Kincaid, T.J. Quillian and Mrs. P.S. Brown were guest speakers.

1922 August La Veta: About 40 people enjoyed the hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Sager and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Atchison at the pretty ranch home on Wednesday evening.

1922 August La Veta: Business and Crops? There ain't no such animal in La Veta this year.

1922 August La Veta: County Commissioners Goemmer and Furphy say the new road across Cuchara Pass will be completed before winter closes down.

1922 August La Veta: Harry Carey in "Man to Man" at the Crystal Theater Monday and Tuesday, a seven reel program for 15 and 30 cents, with a comedy.

1922 August La Veta: Lloyd Powell has nearly two acres of head lettuce thriving at 8,000 feet on the Cucharas.

1922 August La Veta: Oakview school teachers for the coming term will be Mrs. Ada Crawford and the Misses Tengood and Hilda Killian.

1922 August La Veta: Only three counties in Colorado have a higher infant mortality than Huerfano with 177 deaths per 1,000 births.

1922 August La Veta: Stannard Roop took over management of the American Cafe and Confectionery.

1922 August La Veta: T.E. Donohue opened an auto repair shop in Smith's building on South Main.

1922 August La Veta: The Adamson Campground on Oak Street has been full to overflowing.

1922 August La Veta: The annual Pioneer Day picnic occurs next Wednesday on Hiram Vasquez's 85th birthday.

1922 August La Veta: The second annual community fair will be held in the Micheletti building.

1922 August La Veta: The sixth annual county fair will be in Walsenburg at the pavilion and fairgrounds.

1922 August La Veta: W.S. Chapman has purchased the Lem Smith forty on the Cucharas for the purpose of building a summer home with a fish pond and electricity generated by a waterfall.

1922 August Walsenburg: A coal train coming from Pictou derailed at the curve just at the edge of town.

1922 August Walsenburg: About 15 new members have joined the American Legion during the recent membership drive.

1922 August Walsenburg: J.C. Bryant, formerly of Kentucky, will locate a cigar factory here.

1922 August Walsenburg: The present coal strike conditions are similar to those of the 1913-1914 strike.

1922 August Walsenburg: There will be a Spanish American dance Saturday evening at the Ideal club house.

1922 August Walsenburg: Tony Bustos led the Cucharas team to defeat Lester 5-3 last Sunday.

1922 August Walsenburg: Two local men were drowned Saturday when they drove their Hudson touring car into the high water at Sandy crossing.

1922 August Walsenburg: Two striking miners were arrested by rangers last week at Sunnyside but the case was thrown out of court.

1922 August: The Pictou, Maitland, Gordon and Sunnyside mines are idle due to the strike. 

1922 Sept. 8: An old time holdup of the United States mail occurred between La Veta and Oakview Saturday morning. East of the big railroad bridge, a man jumped out of the brush and at the point of a gun, ordered the truck driver to halt, took the mail pouch and a sack containing about $300 in silver. The pouch contained about $6,000 in payroll for the Oakview miners. La Veta Advertiser

1922 September La Veta: A picturesque log cabin is being erected at the southwest corner of the Adamson Park.

1922 September La Veta: J.W. Wilson and Charles Price brought in several crates of head lettuce they grew on Indian Creek. They have several acres in this crop.

1922 September La Veta: Karl Gilbert and his mother Mrs. J.P.  Stranger, and Dolly Stranger are camping up on Echo Creek.

1922 September La Veta: Karl Gilbert reports the discovery of a fossil bed northwest of Blue Lake, probably the same one as found by E.A. Strange some years ago.

1922 September La Veta: Miss Sadie Kreutzer will have charge of the school on the upper Cucharas which will commence the first of October.

1922 September La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pickens have rented their house in town to Tom Hustes and will run the boardinghouse in Oakview.

1922 September La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. E.W. Jones arrived in San Francisco after only eight days on the road.

1922 September La Veta: W.J. Lea killed a black bear the first of the week and the meat was on sale at Tholburn's Market.

1922 September Walsenburg: A 30 by 80 foot livestock pavilion will be built on the north-east corner of the Fairgrounds.

1922 September Walsenburg: D. L. Cohn, proprietor of the Strand Bargain Store, just returned from a buying trip and has all the latest in fall clothing.

1922 September Walsenburg: D.L. Cohn, proprietor of the Strand Bargain Store, has returned from a buying trip and has all the latest in fall clothing.

1922 September Walsenburg: Elliott and Beel opened a garage to sell Columbia motor cars in the building formerly occupied by Auto Sales Company.

1922 September Walsenburg: Norman Joseph leased his new garage to Williams and Dick, proprietors of the Central Garage.

1922 September Walsenburg: Ruffini and Company have opened a new grocery in the building across the street from Lamme Hospital, to be known as the Seventh Street Grocery and Market.

1922 September Walsenburg: Ruffini and Company have opened a new grocery store in the building across from Lamme Hospital, to be known as Seventh Street Grocery and Market.

1922 September Walsenburg: The Denver and Rio Grande Western is offering reduced round trip fares to Pueblo Sept. 25- 30 for the State Fair. 

1922 September Walsenburg: The former International Hotel is now called the St. Charles. The old pool room has been converted into a lobby and offices.

1922 September Walsenburg: While digging storm sewers on South Main Street, between Seventh and Eighth, workers uncovered an old skeleton believed to be an Indian.

1922 September: Elliott and Bell opened a garage to sell Columbia Motor Cars in the building formerly occupied by the Auto Sales Company.

1922 September: The new SurEnuff Cash - and Carry grocery store will open tomorrow in the former Young Battery Station next door to Guaranty State Bank.

1922 October La Veta: A piano has been placed in the school basement for gymnastic work.

1922 October La Veta: Clara Cassai and Charles Bauer were married.

1922 October La Veta: F.E. Donahue moved his auto repair from the Smith building to Goemmer's blacksmith shop.

1922 October La Veta: Forty-five men are now at work building nine miles of road to Cuchara Pass, a $20,000 project. It begins at the old Hervey Hills house and goes up the divide to Cat Creek.

1922 October La Veta: J.H. Coe is succeeding Messrs. Rilling and McEvoy as manager of the Farmers' Supply Company store.

1922 October La Veta: Minnie Adamson's new log summer cabin in Adamson Park will be rented out in the winters.

1922 October La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Turk Moore have returned from a trip to Kansas and Mrs. Moore reports she drove 254 miles in 12 hours and 30 minutes.

1922 October La Veta: Mrs. Arch Mauldin and Miss Dorothy Richman are now the regular operators at the telephone exchange.

1922 October La Veta: Peter Fern is installing new equipment in his coal mine near Oakview.

1922 October La Veta: The Post Master General has offered a reward of $500 for the arrest of the holdup man who got about $5,000 from the local post Office Aug. 26.

1922 October Walsenburg: A group of young people "hitched" a ride to Cuchara Camps on Mr. Levy's truck and picnicked at the Boy Scouts' cabin.

1922 October Walsenburg: A large group of high school seniors, with their chaperones, had a wienie roast at Martin Lake.

1922 October Walsenburg: A large group of high school seniors, with their chaperones, had a wienie roast at Martin Lake.

1922 October Walsenburg: Byron G. Stone and Oscar L. McGee have dissolved their partnership in the Walsenburg Bakery, 704 Main.

1922 October Walsenburg: H. Mogul opened a jewelry shop in part of the Strand Pool Room.

1922 October Walsenburg: The new city band was organized under Professor Andrews with 15 members.

1922 October Walsenburg: The new City Band was organized under Professor Andrews with 15 members.

1922 October Walsenburg: W.M. Bailey will open a steam laundry in the Main Garage on North Main Street.

1922 October Walsenburg: Walsenburg Town Board purchased water rights from Joe K. Kincaid of La Veta for $20,000.

1922 October Walsenburg: Walsenburg Town Board purchased water rights from Joe K. Kincaid of La Veta for $20,000.

1922 November La Veta: Forty-five men are now at work on a $20,000 project on Cuchara Pass. The new road begins at Hervey Hills' old place and will cross the divide down what is known as Cat Creek.

1922 November La Veta: George Benefiel has been trying to discover who is buried in unmarked graves and may have convinced Town Council to improve the cemetery system.

1922 November La Veta: Henry Charlifue and Anna Vigil were married in Walsenburg Wednesday and a dance was held that evening in Kincaid Hall in their honor.

1922 November La Veta: Joe K. Kincaid sold the city of Walsenburg two and a half feet of water priority No. 3 in Ditch No. 1 for $20,000.

1922 November La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Berry took over management of the American Cafe and hired Mrs. Jennie Prator as cook.

1922 November La Veta: O.D. Howlett has been overseeing the road work on La Veta Pass and Hiram Vasquez has a gang at work between here and the county seat.

1922 November La Veta: W.L. Warner has been appointed chairman for the Red Cross drive in and around La Veta.

1922 November La Veta: William Smith from Pueblo has opened a cleaning and pressing establishment in the Mauldin block.

1922 November Walsenburg: Died, Mrs. Delia Harriman, a pioneer of Walsenburg. She settled with her family near Denver in 1869. She is the mother of Mrs. J.B. Farr and Charles Harriman, both of Walsenburg.

1922 November Walsenburg: Two railroad men were treated at Lamme Hospital after they were injured when their train jumped the track near the power house at Walsen.

1922 November Walsenburg: Two railroad men were treated at Lamme Hospital after they were injured when their train jumped the tracks near the power house at Walsen.

1922 November Walsenburg: Walsenburg needs an adequate system of street lighting.

1922 November Walsenburg: Your favorite stock company will present "Sonny Boy" Sunday night only at the Star Theatre.

1922 December La Veta: Albert Noel sold his property on Main Street near the hospital to J.H. Jarnigan who is fixing up the building for a bakery and confectionery.

1922 December La Veta: Clarence Estes started for California in his new Dodge accompanied by Hubert Atchison.

1922 December La Veta: Coal is selling for $9 a ton delivered. That's a little better, but this close to the point of production it ought to be a great deal less.

1922 December La Veta: Henry Tiedeman is the new foreman for the Fern-Jordan coal mine which will be filling orders again in a few days.

1922 December La Veta: Joe Brown has rented the Sumpter Martin ranch and will farm it in connection with the Galassini place.

1922 December La Veta: Officials of the stock show here Dec. 15-16 will be J.P. Firm, George S. Niebhur, W.A. Campbell, S.L. Owens, C.O. Unfug and E.E. Harrison.

1922 December La Veta: The first annual Huerfano County Stock Show will be Dec. 15 - 16 under the auspices of the Huerfano County Purebred Breeders Association.

1922 December La Veta: The ladies of the Baptist, Methodist and Presbyterian churches are all richer after their holiday bazaars and food sales.

1922 December La Veta: The Oakdale Coal Company opened a new mine northeast of the Black Hills and is now putting in houses.

1922 December La Veta: The stock show will be on the northeast corner of Ryus and Main, including the Kincaid corral, Colorado Fuel and Iron warehouse, the Wheeler barn, railroad stockyards and the land adjoining, all of which will be fenced. Admission 25 cents and 50 cents.

1922 December La Veta: Tom Mix in a Christmas Special entitled "Untamed" will be shown at the Crystal Theater on Monday evening.

1922 December La Veta: Trinidad High School, 47, La Veta, 3.

1922 December Walsenburg: Ben Embree's grocery store on Russell between Fourth and Fifth Streets was burglarized last night.

1922 December Walsenburg: Cameron will have a big community dedication of their new school house just completed. Classes have been in the Y since the old school burned down in January.

1922 December Walsenburg: Cameron will have a big community dedication of their new school that was just completed. Classes have been held in the YMCA building since the old school burned down in January.

1922 December Walsenburg: F.I. Barron has installed a lady manager at the cigar stand in his barbershop.

1922 December Walsenburg: Harry Politis and John Wormetakis have leased Young's building at 508 Main for a candy factory.

1922 December Walsenburg: Henry Lame was honored for 30 years of continuous service with the Colorado Supply Company on his retirement. He has served in stores in Old Rouse, Pictou, Hezron, Rockvale, Starkville and Walsen.

1922 December Walsenburg: Mrs. M. Bernstein sold the store after being in business here the past 35 years.

1923 January 1: Father Liciotti at St. Mary's Church is charging $2.00 per year to rent the church pews.

1923 January 16: George Shaddy of the Liberty Stores Company, Trinidad, spent a few days here and at Aguilar last week, looking after business affairs of the company.

1923 January 16: MIKE BILKA IN BIG HUDSON SMASHES INTO ANOTHER CAR, NO INJURIES. Quite a little excitement was occasioned Sunday afternoon in front of the Star theatre. The street was well filled with automobiles parked in front of the theatre. Mike Bilka started to leave in a Hudson which he had also parked there. He put the car into low instead of reverse and the powerful machine jumped onto the sidewalk instead of backing up. The car then turned and smashed into the other cars. Several of them were more or less wrecked.

1923 January 16: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thomas were Pueblo visitors last Friday.

1923 January 16: Mrs. C.A. Verner is quite sick at her home on Tenth street.

1923 January La Veta: "Peck's Bad Boy" Jan. 24-25 at the Crystal Theater, ten cents and 25 cents admission.

1923 January La Veta: Fred Wagner has been appointed deputy sheriff.

1923 January La Veta: John Hamilton discovered an old newspaper published in La Veta by M.V.B. Jackson in 1877 called The Huerfano Independent.

1923 January La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. T.P. Steele are renting their house to the Allen Roushes while they are living out of town.

1923 January La Veta: Mrs. Helen Franks has taken the place of Mrs. Pete Gross at the Ghiardi and Company's general merchandise store.

1923 January La Veta: O.D. and George Howlett have started a new sawmill up Indian Creek.

1923 January La Veta: The high school athletic association has been fixing up the Micheletti building for basket ball games.

1923 January La Veta: The NuWay Cleaners, Hatters and Dyers have installed a new steam coil dry room for odorless cleaning.

1923 January La Veta: The quarterly meeting of the Huerfano County Pioneer Association will be held in town hall on Jan. 26.

1923 January La Veta:  The fourth and fifth grade girls made curtains for their school room.

1923 January Walsenburg: A badly needed improvement has been made in the county treasurer's office by the installation of a new desk running almost the length of the room.

1923 January Walsenburg: A.S. McIntire sold his furniture store to Thomas B. Mathews.

1923 January Walsenburg: Another soft drink parlor proprietor was found guilty of selling liquor.

1923 January Walsenburg: At the Rex Theatre Feb. 1- 2, Tom Mix in "Just Tony" and a two-reel Sunshine Comedy, "Splitting Hairs."

1923 January Walsenburg: Died, Francisquita Bustos, 105, leaving 54 descendants. When the family first came to Leon Plaza, it was a narrow strip between the ball field and Main Street with one store and three dwellings.

1923 January Walsenburg: Efrem Vigil and Estella Sanchez, both of Walsenburg, obtained a marriage license.

1923 January Walsenburg: Eighteen of the residents of Seventh Street have filed protests against a dance hall on Seventh in Rosedale.

1923 January Walsenburg: Fresh and salt meats, fish, oysters and game in season, staple groceries, The Seventh Street Grocery and Market, Ruffini & Company, opposite the Lamme Hospital.

1923 January Walsenburg: Furphy Brothers sold three cars last week, Sears and Sears sold seven and Overland Company, five.

1923 January Walsenburg: H.W. Schuler is the new manager of the McAnnally and Channel Furniture Store on Main Street.

1923 January Walsenburg: I.D. Allison of Topeka, Kansas bought 960 acres of dry land in the Pauley community.

1923 January Walsenburg: Krier Stores now represent Marshall Field and Company.

1923 January Walsenburg: Ma Moors' place on West Tenth Street was raided Saturday night and found to contain booze on the premises.

1923 January Walsenburg: Miss Nancy Willburn is substitute teaching in the. Butte Valley school while Mrs. Anna Simpson is ill.

1923 January Walsenburg: Over 300 attended the miners meeting Sunday afternoon at Maccabee Hall where Senator J.F. Coss was the speaker.

1923 January Walsenburg: Paul Wayt is building two new bungalows in Wayt's Court on East Fifth Street.

1923 January Walsenburg: Polly Vigil has accepted a position as saleslady at the Little Bargain Store at the corner of Seventh and Main Streets.

1923 January Walsenburg: S.W. Davis sold the Anderson Meat Market to C.R. Johnston and it will be known as the Fulton Market.

1923 January Walsenburg: Most coal mines are working at least part of the time and the outlook is favorable, according to reports gathered at randum [sic].

1923 January Walsenburg: The Chamber of Commerce banquet and entertainment Tuesday at Maccabee Hall was attended by 166 people.

1923 January Walsenburg: The funeral for Captain S.J. Capps Sunday was the largest ever seen in Walsenburg.

1923 January Walsenburg: The last of the state rangers finally left Walsenburg.

1923 January Walsenburg: Wanted: The public to try our coffee and pastry.   Spokane Cafe, open Saturday at l09 West Eighth Street.

1923 January Walsenburg: We received word of the death of Mrs. Vera Nixon in California, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harriman and a former Huerfano County resident.

1923 February La Veta: A local troop of the Girl Scouts was formed.

1923 February La Veta: A raid at Ojo brought in eight or ten bootleggers.

1923 February La Veta: A raid at Ojo on Saturday night scooped up eight or ten bootleggers.

1923 February La Veta: American Legion will give a Washington's birthday Dance Thursday, Feb. 22 in Kincaid Hall with music by the Sun Kist Orchestra.

1923 February La Veta: Coal from the Fern Mine is now selling for $8 a ton while that from Ojo is $9 a ton.

1923 February La Veta: Edwin L. Smith has sold his grocery store to William McLain after conducting the business the past 20 years.  He is moving his family to Denver.

1923 February La Veta: La Veta Central Garage and Fix Shop. We Repair Anything. One block west of La Veta State Bank.

1923 February La Veta: Mrs. Mauldin has announced she will open a millinery shop around the middle of March.

1923 February La Veta: Steele and Clements have dissolved their partnership in the plumbing business.

1923 February La Veta: The American Cafe closed with the departure of managers Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Berry, who have operated it since November.

1923 February La Veta: The La Veta Bakery and Cafe is accepting boarders.

1923 February La Veta: The new bakery and chili parlor opened by Mr. and Mrs. Burke on Main Street is already receiving attention for the good home-made bread.

1923 February La Veta: The new coal mine being opened by the Oakdale Coal Company near the Black Hills is beginning to hire men.

1923 February Walsenburg: A man who was restrained from creating a disturbance turned on Officer Tom Chavez but was captured and later fined $10 plus costs.

1923 February Walsenburg: Mrs. Julius Goemmer bought Mrs. Elizabeth Busch's millinery stock and the store will now be known as Marcette's Hat Shoppe.

1923 February Walsenburg: Over $550 has been paid the county during the past two weeks in liquor violation fines.

1923 February Walsenburg: Reuss and Ahlich opened an auto paint shop in the new Joseph building at 718½ Main, with an elevator to take the cars upstairs. They are operating in conjunction with the Central Garage on the ground floor.

1923 February Walsenburg: The Montez soft drink parlor and cigar store on Seventh Street was raided and liquor was found.

1923 February Walsenburg: The new school building at Cameron was dedicated and is the largest and most modern of any rural school in Huerfano County.

1923 February Walsenburg: Thelma Prudhoe closed her school at Pass Creek for the term.

1923 February Walsenburg: Thomas B. Mathews bought the A.S. McIntire furniture store.

1923 March La Veta: Manning and Company sold a house at Oakview to Frank Arnold and he has moved his family there.

1923 March La Veta: The new Alamo mine claimed the lives of Charles Megnuson and Gust Mahas when a loaded car ran away.

1923 March La Veta: Z.V. Moore is paying $375.75 for one year to lease the town ranch and is responsible for looking after the water.

1923 March Walsenburg: Born, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Herman Mazzone. C.A. Kaiser, superintendent of the Cameron mine, is a proud grandfather.

1923 March Walsenburg: Federal officers closed a gambling den in a private house in Ideal camp.

1923 March Walsenburg: Fred Lara has organized a 21-piece city band.

1923 March Walsenburg: From 1907 to 1920, 34,802 coal miners were killed in this country, just 16,000 fewer than American soldiers killed in the World War.

1923 March Walsenburg: J.C. Baker was chosen to be assistant to Postmaster A.P. Atencio.

1923 March Walsenburg: Mrs. F.H. Unfug and Mrs. F.H. Ahlich are opening the Art and Gift Shop opposite the post office.

1923 March Walsenburg: Mrs. F.H. Unfug and Mrs. F.H. Ahlich are opening the Art and Gift Shop opposite the post office.

1923 March Walsenburg: S.W. Davis bought the Anderson Meat Market.

1923 March Walsenburg: The new Alamo mine claimed the lives of Charles Magnuson and Gust Mahas when a loaded car ran away.

1923 March Walsenburg: The new school house at Cameron stands on an elevation just across the street south of the clubhouse.

1923 March Walsenburg: Thelma Baker won the spelling contest at Mountain View School, Grace Miller at Walsen and Julia Gillespie at Cameron.

1923 March Walsenburg: Timothy McCandless will represent Ideal School in the county oratorical contest in Walsenburg.

1923 March Walsenburg: Timothy McCandless will represent the Ideal school at the county oratorical contest to be held in Walsenburg.

1923 March Walsenburg: Timothy McCanless of Ideal won the county oratory contest.

1923 April La Veta: Charles Kitchen sold the old Krueger place on Echo Creek to the Falk brothers.

1923 April La Veta: Claude Thornton won first place in the county high school oratorical contest and Wanda Powell secured second.

1923 April La Veta: Claude Thornton won first place in the county high school oratorical contest and Wanda Powell secured second.

1923 April La Veta: Dr. L.W. Lee was elected mayor, Jno. B. Hamilton treasurer, J.P. Stranger clerk and R.L. Kincaid, R.V. Ownbey, J.F. Tessari and E.C. Stream trustees.

1923 April La Veta: E.V. Gibbons sold his hardware business to the Farmer's Supply.

1923 April La Veta: For sale: 6 lots, four room house, garage and other outbuildings, old fruit trees, in a very suitable location, $1,700. Manning and Company.

1923 April La Veta: For sale: six lots, four room house, garage and other outbuildings, old fruit trees, in very suitable location, $1,700. Manning and Company.

1923 April La Veta: The Gibbons hardware stock was sold to the Farmers' Supply Company for $450 in the bankruptcy sale.

1923 April La Veta: The Jap Bruce boys are happy with the possession of a Russian wolf hound given to them by a traveler.

1923 April Walsenburg: About $6,000 worth of damage was reported from the fire at Walsenburg Electric on Main Street.

1923 April Walsenburg: County Agent Owens had a meeting this morning with the club leaders of the boys and girls calf clubs from Bear Creek, Pauley, Butte Valley and Apache.

1923 April Walsenburg: Anderson Market is opening a delicatessen in connection with the meat department and the grocery stock will be dispensed with.

1923 April Walsenburg: Grover Muir led the Toltec Bronchos to a 1-0 win over the Walsen Outlaws.

1923 April Walsenburg: Howard's Confectionery is getting a new soda fountain and also a cork floor covering.

1923 April Walsenburg: J.F. Coss, editor and manager of the Walsenburg Independent, is now a state senator.

1923 April Walsenburg: More than 60 men are laying the storm sewers preparatory to paving the streets.

1923 April Walsenburg: Mrs. F.H. Unfug and Mrs. Fern D. Ahlich opened their new Walsenburg Art and Gift Shop on West Sixth Street.

1923 April Walsenburg: Stella Bellah and Juan N. Gallegos were married, and Marcolfa Archuleta married Augustin Bravo, all of Redwing.

1923 April Walsenburg: The Kay See [sic] dance in the new school hall of St. Mary School was a huge success in every way and E.L. Sears won the Star car.

1923 April Walsenburg: The Walsenburg Maccabees will give a dance Saturday, April 28 to raise funds for their baseball team.

1923 April Walsenburg: Walsenburg and La Veta Chambers of Commerce will meet with the Pure Bred Breeders Association to discuss financing of the La Veta stock show this fall.

1923 April Walsenburg:. The nine-year-old daughter of N.C. Murphy of Rattlesnake Buttes was killed in a powder explosion which also injured five other siblings.

1923 May La Veta: A great deal of seeding for re-timbering is being done in this section  of the San Isabel National Forest.

1923 May La Veta: Fred Dryden has been taking a two-weeks automotive course at the Ford plant in Denver.

1923 May La Veta: Henry Parker replaced Dale Langston as the mechanic at the Star Garage.

1923 May La Veta: Main Street was surfaced with cinders just at the right time and the subsequent rains ought to make it a good job.

1923 May La Veta: Messrs. Willis and Firm are drilling for coal somewhere north of town.

1923 May La Veta: Mr. Summers of the Snodgrass Food Company is building a cottage at Cuchara Camps.

1923 May La Veta: O.D. Howlett's blacksmith shop at his home just south of town burned down yesterday. He was using the building for a smokehouse and lost about $50 worth of tools and $50 worth of meat.

1923 May La Veta: The Commercial Club will establish and outfit a free camping ground on the railroad property near the creek.

1923 May La Veta: The forest service is back at work constructing the Cuchara Pass highway.

1923 May La Veta: The young farmers around La Veta have organized a Calf Club with Walter Campbell as president, David Firm, vice-president and Julian Beamer, secretary.

1923 May Walsenburg: "A slow, though steady, march toward increased business and relieved financial conditions has begun," says James E. Tressler, manager of the Walsenburg Land and Development Company.

1923 May Walsenburg: Died Mrs. Perry Kimbrel, 71, who was born in South Carolina in 1852 and lived on the ranch at St. Mary's nearly 50 years.

1923 May Walsenburg: Many women suffer from too many trips up and down stairways. An extension telephone saves steps and averts illness.

1923 May Walsenburg: Rounding up bootleggers is keeping the sheriff's force busy.

1923 May Walsenburg: Spend your dollars at home and you'll see them again, send them away and it's good bye.

1923 May Walsenburg: The room being vacated by the Liberty Store will be occupied by Western Auto Supply Company in charge of Messrs. McQuade and Gravelle.

1923 May Walsenburg: The Saliba and Joseph confectionery has been named The Busy Bee.

1923 May Walsenburg: Vallejos Brothers Cafe is located on West Sixth Street opposite Dissler's Furniture Store.

1923 May Walsenburg: What may be the largest still ever captured in the county was brought in Monday from the Bear Creek vicinity.

1923 June La Veta: A baby boy was born June 6 to Mr. and Mrs. Neal Baysinger.

1923 June La Veta: Alex Mauldin has been appointed superintendent of the tourist camp at Blue Lake which will open about June 15.

1923 June La Veta: Alex Mauldin will run the Blue Lake Camp, which opens June 15.

1923 June La Veta: C.C. Webster has moved into the room next to the post office and will make it headquarters for the LVLH&P Co.

1923 June La Veta: C.C. Webster is moving the La Veta Light, Heat and Power into the room next to the post off ice.

1923 June La Veta: La Veta's fourth annual fish fry is today.

1923 June La Veta: Mr. Tholburn closed his Meat market.

1923 June La Veta: Mrs. Nancy Elrod is now funeral director in La Veta for Unfug-Peet Mortuary in Walsenburg.

1923 June La Veta: The Chatauqua opens July 31 with lectures, music and other entertainment.

1923 June La Veta: The Commercial Club will give a fish fry in the Micheletti building for $1.00 a plate.

1923 June La Veta: The Town Board and Commercial Club have fixed up a public camping ground near the railroad and creek, with campstoves and plenty of trees.

1923 June La Veta: We have the skin of a four foot long rattlesnake killed by Mr. Elley at his house on Rocky Flat on display in our window.

1923 June La Veta: We have the skin of a rattlesnake four feet long in our window which Mr. Elley killed in his house on rocky flat.

1923 June Walsenburg: C.A. Kaiser, superintendent of Cameron mine for 11 years, has been transferred to Berwind.

1923 June Walsenburg: Capitol Hill Grocery Store, at the corner of Walsen and Colorado avenues, will open June 23 with a free souvenir. Cash only, no deliveries.

1923 June Walsenburg: Courtney's Grocery, Fruit and Produce Market, 309 West Seventh - coal oil 8˘ per gallon, 21 bars of Naptha soap, $1.

1923 June Walsenburg: Eighth grade graduates at Ideal School were Tim McCandless, Mildred Watson, Russell Smith Virgie Morgan, Frank Arnoldi and Dan Radulovich.

1923 June Walsenburg: Graduating from eighth grade at Ideal are Frank Peter Arnoldi, Timothy Edgar McCandless, Virginia Lorene Morgan, Daniel Mitchell Radolovich, Russell Lewis Smith and Anna Lotta Mildred Watson.

1923 June Walsenburg: Ideal is first in the county C.F.& I. baseball league standings, Rouse/Lester is second and Cameron is third. Walsen and Kebler are fourth and fifth.

1923 June Walsenburg: If you don't believe Walsenburg is getting out of the ruts and into the city class, just take a look at our new street sprinkler.

1923 June Walsenburg: Miss Louella V. Holmes bought L.J. Fisher's interest in the Walsenburg Floral Company and the business will be known as the Walsenburg Flower Shop.

1923 June Walsenburg: Over 100 attended the Wednesday night meeting of the Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No. 1089 to plan the season's first dance.

1923 June Walsenburg: Receiving perfect attendance diplomas were Thelma Rogers, Dand School; John Pazar, Ruth Yano, Carlo Tessitore and John Nizzi, Hill School and Fred Smith, Pictou.

1923 June Walsenburg: Sunkist Orchestra will provide the music for the first dance of the Business and Professional Women's Club Wednesday night at Maccabee Hall.

1923 June Walsenburg: The American Legion is having a rube dance at the old armory on June 14.

1923 June Walsenburg: The dancing pavilion which burned last summer is being replaced by Archie Levy and will be ready for a dance Saturday night.

1923 June Walsenburg: The largest class ever was graduated last night from HCHS. Cecil Thornton was valedictorian and president of his class, and Katherine Oldham salutatorian.

1923 June Walsenburg: The Maccabees installed four large suspension fans in their hall for the dancing public to have a cool place this summer.

1923 June Walsenburg: The new Joseph building, 35 by 110 feet, will be occupied by the J.C. Penney Company.

1923 July La Veta: A severe blow was dealt this community Monday when the La Veta State Bank closed its doors. Tuesday morning a meeting of the depositors was called and Messrs. McDonald, Goemmer, Carson, Roush and Stream were appointed to represent the depositors.

1923 July La Veta: All the big and little cousins in the Hector, Strange, Pickens and Powell families enjoyed their annual picnic in the grove north of town.

1923 July La Veta: Died, Dr. J.B. Wright, a resident of La Veta for 30 years.

1923 July La Veta: Frank Powell just completed a modem five-room log bungalow for Dr. Chapman a mile or so below Cuchara Camps.

1923 July La Veta: Mrs. Mary Gallante is trying to rent the former Webb store building, which contains four rooms for business and living quarters.

1923 July La Veta: Pigs for sale at my ranch for $3 apiece.  T.J. Arrington.

1923 July La Veta: The bankrupt stock of E.V. Gibbons will be sold at public auction July 23.

1923 July La Veta: The town and Commercial Club have fixed up some nice camp grounds near the creek and railroad bridge complete with camp stoves.

1923 July La Veta: The Town Board and Commercial Club have fixed up a public camping ground near the railroad and creek, with campstoves and plenty of trees.

1923 July La Veta: W.E. Derrick is running the Sulphur Springs this season.

1923 July La Veta: W.J. Berry is now combining coal mining, dairying and the raising of head lettuce. He has consigned his crop of lettuce to the Snodgrass store.

1923 July Walsenburg: An airplane belonging to the Texaco Oil Company landed in this city Wednesday morning.

1923 July Walsenburg: An airplane belonging to the Texaco Oil Company landed in this city Wednesday morning.

1923 July Walsenburg: July 1 was the annual Slav celebration of the Slovanian National Benefit Society and about 400 appeared in the parade.

1923 July Walsenburg: L. J. Beauvais recently bought the grocery business of N. Joseph at Eight and Main Streets.

1923 July Walsenburg: Sears and Sears plan to double the size of their garage on Main Street by buying and razing three small dwellings north of their property.

1923 July Walsenburg: Sears and Sears plan to double the size of their garage on Main Street by buying and razing three small dwellings north of their property.

1923 July Walsenburg: Sports Editor Sam T. Taylor reported on the ballgames, the scores being Ideal 7, Rouse-Lester 2 and Walsen 2, Cameron 0.

1923 July: Dessie Lenzini is now clerking at the new Capitol Hill Grocery.

1923 August La Veta: A bolt of lightning took a path right through Lisle Thomas' house one day this week without injuring a thing.

1923 August La Veta: By actual count, 164 cars went through La Veta between 4 and 5 o'clock on Tuesday afternoon.

1923 August La Veta: C.W. Keeling of Alamo purchased four lots on the hill east of the school house.

1923 August La Veta: Dr. Wiekinson will in future assist Dr. Lee at the hospital.

1923 August La Veta: Jack Dempsey spent about 10 minutes in La Veta Sunday while returning from a trip to the sceens [sic] of his boyhood in the San Luis Valley.

1923 August La Veta: La Veta was saved from a disastrous flood after the Falks reported a flash flood coming in time for men to keep the mill dam from breaking.

1923 August La Veta: The four school buses have been fitted up for use at a cost of $550, but the county roads will have to be repaired before they can be used.

1923 August La Veta: The lightning storm this week killed a fine horse of Lem Smith and the Goemmer Brothers lost two fine bulls.

1923 August La Veta: Wahatoya Crook overflowed its banks and caused a great deal of damage to crops and ranches in the canon.

1923 August Walsenburg: Economy Grocery, 728 South Main, had a Food Carnival Saturday with immense crowds attending.

1923 August Walsenburg: Four men were arrested by city police the past three days for bootlegging in separate incidents.

1923 August Walsenburg: James Janis and George Nicholas became owners of the Oxford Cafe when they bought out their partner Pete Hontus.

1923 August Walsenburg: Mrs. Brunelli and Sons have added to and remodeled the St. Charles Hotel and Dr. Charles Brunelli will occupy the bottom floor.

1923 August Walsenburg: The school district has hired a trained nurse to work full time on health and nutrition in the public schools.

1923 August Walsenburg: The Specialty Stores Co. will open a branch store here next week at 521 Main.

1923 August Walsenburg: The Sporleders have built a new grocery on Capitol Hall and Walter Crump is manager.

1923 August Walsenburg: The worst flood in 25 years put Seventh through Tenth Streets under water.

1923 August Walsenburg: Walsenburg's ornamental lighting system will officially open Aug. 18 between Fifth and Seventh Street on Main.

1923 August: James Janis and George Nicholas became owners of the Oxford Cafe when they bought out their partner Pete Hontus.

1923 September La Veta: A 10½ pound boy was born Sept. 17 to Mr. and Mrs. Luther Lea.

1923 September La Veta: A room has been rented in the McDonald building on Francisco Street for the fourth and fifth grades to relieve the congestion at the schoolhouse.

1923 September La Veta: A.L. Vincent of Trinidad has purchased the J.J. Shippee ranch near the Gap for $55,000 and will build a summer resort.

1923 September La Veta: C.C. Webster has taken over Stockwell's insurance business.

1923 September La Veta: Dr. Lee, who has been leasing the hospital, has announced that he will purchase it from Dr. Chisolm.

1923 September La Veta: Much appreciation has been expressed for the volunteer assistance given by Miss Dolly Stranger at the telephone office the night of the big flood.

1923 September La Veta: The first coal from the new Alamo mine was shipped.

1923 September La Veta: The flood took the Ryus Avenue bridge and damaged those on Virginia and Francisco Streets, surrounded the section house and railroad yards and heavily damaged farms and drowned livestock.

1923 September La Veta: The new coal camp of Alamo is already providing employment for La Veta people.

1923 September La Veta: The old Francisco house, built by Felix Estes around 1873, burned down on the Estes ranch last Saturday.

1923 September La Veta: The senior class at the high school elected Wanda Powell, president, Ruth Elley, vice president and Mildred Strohmeyer, secretary-treasurer.

1923 September La Veta: The senior class of the high school elected Wanda Powell president, Ruth Elley vice president and Mildred Strohmeyer secretary and treasurer.

1923 September La Veta: There will be no community fair this year since most of the produce was ruined by the heavy rains and floods.

1923 September La Veta:  Mr. and Mrs. Weaver have taken charge of the Snodgrass Store and Mr. Summers and family contemplate moving to the western slope.

1923 September Walsenburg: Economy Grocery, 728 Main, will serve free coffee during the county fair.

1923 September Walsenburg: El Club Juvenil Progresso's orchestra will play for that club's dance at Eagle Hall.

1923 September Walsenburg: For sale, modern six-room house with bath, garage, out-buildings, near Main and Third Streets, $4,000.

1923 September Walsenburg: George Blickhahn, Frank Tafoya and Mrs. Harry Capps were elected officers of the Republican county committee.

1923 September Walsenburg: Harry Politis has finished remodeling his candy shop.

1923 September Walsenburg: Keep a case of Circle K carbonated beverages in your ice box.

1923 September Walsenburg: Miss Frances Nelson will teach at Badito this term.

1923 September Walsenburg: Miss Frances Nelson will teach at Badito this year.

1923 September Walsenburg: South Main is now paved and work is underway on Seventh Street.

1923 September Walsenburg: The Walsen Mine First Aid Team won the Colorado State prize at the National Tournament in Salt Lake City, Utah.

1923 September: Sunshine Williams' six-piece orchestra will furnish the music for the dance at Maccabee Hall.

1923 October La Veta: A heating plant is being installed in the La Veta Hospital.

1923 October La Veta: A.B. Dickinson was appointed to town board to replace R. Owenby, who has moved away.

1923 October La Veta: Contractor Albert Sallee, an old time resident, is figuring to build a new bridge across the Cucharas on Ryus Avenue. 

1923 October La Veta: G.F. Stevens of Denver, president of the Peak to Peak Resort Syndicate, is reported to have bought the Price ranch on Indian Creek.

1923 October La Veta: Jack Manning has a stock of cigars, stationery, magazines and the like in the building vacated by E.V. Gibbons on Main Street.

1923 October La Veta: Mrs. Hazel Flock is helping her mom Mrs. M.S. Baldwin at the Spanish Peaks Hotel.

1923 October La Veta: Railroad business is picking up on account of the movement of produce and livestock at this time of the year.

1923 October La Veta: The road scraper put in good work on Oak Street yesterday afternoon but two hours later a culvert was once again blocked up and flooded the street.

1923 October La Veta: Walter Campbell won $25 from the Hereford Association for his state fair exhibit and also a free trip to the National Stock Show in Chicago.

1923 October Walsenburg: Daniel Martinez was killed Oct. 8 by a fall of rock at the Caddell mine.

1923 October Walsenburg: Daniel Martinez was killed yesterday by a fall of rock in the Caddell mine.

1923 October Walsenburg: Dr. Charles Brunelli is now prepared to do dentistry work in the ground floor of the new addition to the St. Charles Hotel.

1923 October Walsenburg: J.M. and Dewey Reynolds opened a repair garage in the old Steele barn on Broadway [Seventh Street] to be known as the Osage Garage.

1923 October Walsenburg: John T. Muir of Walsenburg and Miss Annie Ryan of McNally were married Oct. 1.

1923 October Walsenburg: Judge Patterson sentenced 18 people for gambling and bootlegging.

1923 October Walsenburg: Judge Patterson sentenced 18 people for gambling and bootlegging.

1923 October Walsenburg: Matthew Welsby, 53, died of typhoid fever this morning.

1923 October Walsenburg: Mrs. M. Grady does dressmaking in Room 8 of the Roof and Dick building.

1923 October Walsenburg: The Palace and Oxford Cafes in Aguilar have been closed down by Marshal Smith for brawling.

1923 October Walsenburg: Three horse races have been arranged for next Saturday at the fairgrounds.

1923 November La Veta: An aeroplane successfully negotiated the crossing of the range last Sunday.

1923 November La Veta: Forty students are enrolled in the high school.

1923 November La Veta: Huerfano County Stock Breeders plan to build a stock show building 30 by 450 feet with two wings.

1923 November La Veta: Livestock raisers met Friday to discuss the rabies epidemic in this area.

1923 November La Veta: Mrs. Jenny Prator and Miss Elsie Falk opened the restaurant next door to the Advertiser office and will make a success of it if anyone can.

1923 November La Veta: Mrs. Jessie Donegan is going to take charge of the soda fountain at the American Cafe.

1923 November La Veta: Mrs. Jessie Donegan is going to take charge of the soda fountain in the American Cafe.

1923 November La Veta: Polly Miles married Dr. G.R. Mallett of Denver.

1923 November La Veta: Town Board ordered a foot bridge to be built across the Cucharas in the north part of town.

1923 November Walsenburg: $4,000 worth of livestock has already been lost in the rabies epidemic.

1923 November Walsenburg: Blasting powder stolen from the Cuchara Canon Coal Company mine nearby was used to blow up the safe at Huerfano Trading Company's store at Toltec.

1923 November Walsenburg: City Council resolved Wednesday night to allow Chief of Police Jack Rose $75 a month for upkeep of his motorcycle.

1923 November Walsenburg: City health officer Dr. P.C. Mathews advised City Council to vacate the stables and rubbish lot on West Sixth.

1923 November Walsenburg: John L. East received a letter from Germany with 15,000,000 marks postage on it.

1923 November Walsenburg: Marie Smith and Lucian Krier were married by Father Liciotti Monday.

1923 November Walsenburg: Prohibition officers have been busy this week bringing in violators of the alcohol and gambling laws.

1923 November Walsenburg: Prohibition officers have been busy this week bringing in violators of the alcohol and gambling laws.

1923 November Walsenburg: Quite a number of goods were stolen Sunday night from the Majestic Apparel Company on West Eighth.

1923 November Walsenburg: The county mill levy for 1924 has been set at 13.50 mills and for Walsenburg, 14 mills.

1923 November Walsenburg: The funeral services for A. Faris were conducted by Rev. Jaramillo in Spanish, Rev. James in English and Mike Saliba in Syrian to a large gathering of friends.

1923 November Walsenburg: The Furphy Garage is installing the latest thing in visible gas pumps, operated by compressed air.

1923 November Walsenburg: The new road over Cuchara Pass should be open before summer.

1923 November Walsenburg: Two Walsenburg men were drowned in Martin Lake when their boat capsized.

1923 November Walsenburg: Walter Zinko, 39, died of injuries he received in a fall of rock in the Robinson #2 mine.

1923 December La Veta: A gentleman by the name of W.H. Harrison from Englewood was here last week to look over the banking situation and seemed favorably impressed.

1923 December La Veta: Born, a boy, Dec. 17 to Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Sager.

1923 December La Veta: Galassini opened the new White Front Pool Hall on Ryus last Wednesday.

1923 December La Veta: In connection with the Huerfano County Stock Show Dec. 19-20, there will be a banquet at the Springer Hotel and a ball at Kincaid Hall.

1923 December La Veta: It is reported that as much as 1,000 gallons of wine and white mule have been poured out on the prairie at a nearby camp lately.

1923 December La Veta: The new bridge over the Cucharas on Ryus has been opened to traffic.

1923 December La Veta: There is a rabies epidemic raging in the Pass Creek and Gardner vicinities.

1923 December Walsenburg: Dr. Albert Luther Trout died, a physician in Walsenburg since 1908 who also served several of the coal camps of Colorado Fuel and Iron Co.

1923 December Walsenburg: The Star Pool Hall at Main and Seventh Streets was robbed of games and money.

1923 December Walsenburg: The Star Pool Hall at Seventh and Main Streets was robbed of games and money.

1923 December Walsenburg: Try the Recreation Billiard Parlor, 614 Main Street.

1924 January La Veta: A.N. Erwin is running the La Veta Book Store during Jack Manning's illness.

1924 January La Veta: Alex Klobskey came down from the mountains on Tuesday to see if he couldn't put some life into this dull little burgh.

1924 January La Veta: George Sinclair and Josie Snyder and Ray Thomas and Sarah Fry were married in a double wedding.

1924 January La Veta: Hay and Alfalfa, $17 to $22, at the lumber yard and livery barn. La Veta Lumber and Supply Company.

1924 January La Veta: Officers elected by the American Legion are J.B. Carson, Charles I. George, P.E. Gross, G.R. Mallett, L.W. Lee, Hugh Sager and W.L. Wilkinson.

1924 January La Veta: The Methodist Church was filled for the children's Christmas Pageant, Sunday School exercises and the arrival of Santa Claus.

1924 January Walsenburg: Mary Tesitor will marry Sam D. Scariano on Feb. 10.

1924 January Walsenburg: The Huerfano County High School girls lost to the La Veta girls in their basketball contest 34-14.

1924 January Walsenburg: The state has appropriated $25,000 to surface the highway between here and La Veta.

1924 February La Veta: "The Novelty Club" was organized Wednesday by a dozen ladies meeting at the home of Mrs. Lee, for needlework and conversation.

1924 February La Veta: A packed house greeted the Argonaut Players last night at the Crystal Theater and enthusiastically received the performance. A dance followed.

1924 February La Veta: About 30 people attended the public meeting about dairying in town hall last Tuesday presented by the State Dairy Commission.

1924 February La Veta: An Alamosa contractor will start work soon on the resort hotel and cottages at San Isabel Clifton Streams.

1924 February La Veta: Billie Pacheco and Anna Ward were married and Clyde Johnson married Wilma Ferguson.

1924 February La Veta: E. Baione bought the two store buildings on Main Street from Clyde Estes, containing the drugstore and Snodgrass Food Company, for $4,000.

1924 February La Veta: Pending approval of the federal banking authorities, the First National Bank of La Veta has been organized with capital of $27,500. J.K. Kincaid is president and William H. Harrison, vice president and cashier.

1924 February La Veta: Pending approval, the First National Bank of La Veta was organized with J.K. Kincaid president and William H. Harrison, vice-president and cashier.

1924 February La Veta: William Pickens Sr. celebrated his 80th birthday.

1924 February Walsenburg: A Spanish-American masquerade and carnival dance will be held in Maccabee hall Saturday; confetti and serpentines free.

1924 February Walsenburg: A.S. Neely, superintendent of Walsen-Cameron schools, who has been with District No. 19 for 15 years, was honored by the state.

1924 February Walsenburg: Construction of the addition to Lamme hospital at Seventh and Albert Streets is well under way. It will be of stucco and tile and extends on the rear to the alley, on the west side of the present building

1924 February Walsenburg: Headquarters for the city police were moved from the second floor of the county courthouse to the basement.

1924 February Walsenburg: Majestic Apparel Company has moved to 124 West Sixth Street, next to the Snodgrass Food Company.

1924 February Walsenburg: Mrs. J.D. Wright is the new manager of the St. Charles Hotel dining room, owned by the Brunelli family. Mrs. Wright managed the International House, now the St. Charles, in 1918.

1924 February Walsenburg: Officials of the Colorado Fuel and Iron will give an interesting program tonight at the Walsen Y.

1924 February Walsenburg: The Cameron mine was idle two days this week and prospects are not so bright.

1924 February Walsenburg: The rabies problem around the Rattlesnakes Buttes district seems to be diminishing.

1924 February Walsenburg: Twenty-three arrests were made for gambling at the Greek Club, The Coffee House, at 110½ West Sixth Street.

1924 March La Veta: A home talent show, "The Fruits of His Labor," put on by the Methodist people, will be given Friday evening in Kincaid Hall.

1924 March La Veta: Alex McDonald died on the train traveling to California with his wife. Born in Scotland, he settled on Echo Creek in 1886 with his sister. 

1924 March La Veta: Alex McDonald died on the train traveling to California with his wife. Born in Scotland, he settled on Echo Creek in 1886 with his sister. 

1924 March La Veta: City council and La Veta Light, Heat and Power company agreed on a flat rate of $95 per month for the street lighting.

1924 March La Veta: City council and La Veta Light, Heat and Power company agreed on a flat rate of $95 per month for the street lighting.

1924 March La Veta: E.C. Stream is remodeling his store building at Francisco and Main Streets.

1924 March La Veta: Jack Manning moved his stationery and cigar stock into the Farmers Supply Company store, of which he is manager.

1924 March La Veta: Mr. Ford is the new manager of the Snodgrass Food Store.

1924 March La Veta: Mrs. Lula Vories and her son Eugene came up from Walsenburg so she can help look after Benton who is quite sick. .

1924 March La Veta: The First National Bank of La Veta will open in about two weeks after the old bank building is cleaned and repaired.

1924 March La Veta: The Masons will give the annual banquet to the Eastern Star members this evening. It looks like these two organizations have good appetites.

1924 March La Veta: William "Dad" Fey, builder of the La Veta bank and other buildings in town, died in California.

1924 March Walsenburg: City Council elected Ralph Levy the new chief of police.

1924 March Walsenburg: Contracts were let for a new 50 foot steel bridge over the Cucharas on the Walsenburg to Cameron road.

1924 March Walsenburg: The 46,000 acre Badito Project will be opened to homestead entry, with ex-service men having the first rights to the land.

1924 March Walsenburg: The Turner mine worked four days last week and just three days this week.

1924 April La Veta: C.R. Henderson's tennis court has been popular of late.

1924 April La Veta: J.B. Hamilton, W.H. Adamson and A.E. Upton of Denver will be directors of the new First National Bank of La Veta which opens this week.

1924 April La Veta: Jodie Huesties is going to accompany Harold Kincaid back to California; they leave tomorrow.

1924 April La Veta: Ray Arnold of the Santa Clara has 45 ponies he is training for polo playing.

1924 April La Veta: Sadie Kreutzer is filling in as teacher at the Wahatoya School for Mrs. Jeff Rogers whose husband was killed last week in a fall of rock in the Turner mine.

1924 April La Veta: The Ojo mine was abandoned because a fire, which started in March, could not be extinguished.

1924 April La Veta: This year's graduates are Walter Campbell, Ruth Elley, Robert Jewell, Mildred Strohmeyer, Wanda Powell, Helen Mayes and Bessie Coe.

1924 April La Veta: Will somebody please tell us what the traffic regulations are in La Veta? We have seen cars making all kinds of turns and parking without any apparent system. This is a free country but we would like to know which way to drop.

1924 April La Veta:  Tuesday was one of those good old fashioned days when the wind blowed where it wished and didn't even respect John Kincaid's garage and a few other things that were loose around the land.

1924 April Walsenburg: An armed man robbed the clerk at the Colorado Supply Company store at Walsen of $400.

1924 April Walsenburg: Mutual mine is about worked out and may close down soon.

1924 April Walsenburg: Robbers at the Colorado Supply Store at Ideal were foiled by the heavy safe.

1924 April Walsenburg: Several million dollars will be spent to increase the operations and output of the Alamo mine.

1924 May La Veta: A good many trout are being caught in Town Lake and ditch though the latter is supposed to be screened to keep the fish in the creek.

1924 May La Veta: Ashton Henderson entertained 18 of his young friends Saturday for his 10th birthday.

1924 May La Veta: Carl Elley bought the Frank Hays ranch on the Cuchara road for $5,500.

1924 May La Veta: Crutcher and Moore bought the Prator place on the Wahatoya for $6,500.

1924 May La Veta: Dr. C.R. Mallett was elected president of the local school board.

1924 May La Veta: Fred, John, Lawrence and George Kreutzer were called to Missouri by the death of their mother.

1924 May La Veta: Joe Powell and Ralph Brooks have reopened the bakery.

1924 May La Veta: Mrs. Noel is the assistant under Postmaster John Kincaid.

1924 May La Veta: The First National Bank of La Veta opened.

1924 May La Veta: The nice home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parsons at Weston burned to the ground.

1924 May La Veta: The road to Cuchara camps is in first class condition and a number of local residents went up last weekend for plenty of snowballing.

1924 May La Veta: There is a new tennis court at the corner of Field and Oak Streets.

1924 May La Veta: Three hundred and twenty votes were cast in the school board election and G.R. Mallett got 237 for president and S.L. Smith, 254 for treasurer. J.P. Stranger remains on the board as secretary.

1924 May La Veta: W.W. Votaw is laying stone to start the new addition to the school.

1924 May La Veta: Walter Campbell was fined $10 for speeding in town limits.

1924 May La Veta: While quarrying stone on Pinon Hill, Al Coleman found a perfect set of petrified teeth.

1924 May Walsenburg: Frank D. Cardinal is opening a sporting goods store and Gladys J. Schwab has opened a new beauty shop called The Vogue.

1924 May Walsenburg: Gladys J. Schwab has opened a new beauty shop, called The Vogue.

1924 May Walsenburg: Robbers at the Colorado Supply Company Store at Ideal were foiled by the heavy safe.

1924 May Walsenburg: The new Lamme Hospital is nearing completion rapidly and will have room for 30 patients.

1924 June La Veta: A sleeping porch has been added to the Methodist parsonage.

1924 June La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Shoemaker have returned to La Veta where he has secured back his old position as boiler maker at the roundhouse.

1924 June La Veta: Mrs. Claude Capps died at the JM Ranch.

1924 June La Veta: Mrs. Meda Price, wife of  Charles H. Price, who used to ranch  and run a summer resort on Indian Creek, died in California.

1924 June La Veta: S.M. Wallace and his sons Paul and Maurice are here to resume work on their mine on Silver Mountain.

1924 June La Veta: Some businessmen have begun plans to celebrate the Fourth of July here with a basket lunch, parade with prizes for best costumes, street sports, a ball game and bucking broncho [sic] exhibition.

1924 June La Veta: The Farmers Supply Store is having a going-out-of-business sale.

1924 June Walsenburg: Nineteen families living in homes on the Mutual Coal Company's property will be evicted.

1924 June Walsenburg: Rooms to let at the Gingham Restaurant, 204 West Sixth Street.

1924 June Walsenburg: Sears and Sears garage erected a large sign showing the distance to major cities.

1924 June Walsenburg: Several residents are escaping the heat by vacationing in Cuchara Camps.

1924 June Walsenburg: The new home of Circle K Soda, Kirkpatrick's Bottling Works has been completed by Yano and Ritchey. The facility can handle 1,440 bottles per hour.

1924 June Walsenburg: While Walsenburg swelters with the heat, Colorado Fuel and Iron Company has announced that a swimming pool will be built at Walsen within 30 days.

1924 July 22:Public Notice! It has been brought to the attention of the sheriff's office that numbers of boys are in the habit of going bathing in the Martin Lake without wearing bathing suits. The Martin Lake is becoming more or less a public resort and the people of Walsenburg are in the habit of driving around the lake, which makes a very pleasant drive. If will therefore be the policy of the sheriff's office to prosecute anyone found swimming in this lake unless they are wearing a proper bathing suit. Signed, C.E. Cornwall, Sheriff.

1924 July 4: City's Fire Apparatus Not Adequate, Says Fire Chief Clements. The need for new fire apparatus was stressed Wednesday by Fire Chief A.B. Clements, following a fire call to the home of W.L. Finch. He declared that the present equipment is antiquated, and that the fire truck is almost worn to the extent that it will not run anymore. "Curious people get to the fire in their cars before the volunteer fire department gets a block." he said.

Huerfano World - July 8, 1924 John D. Rockefeller Jr. and his three sons stayed over in Walsenburg where they were the guests of CF&I officials. Following lunch at the Klein Hotel they made inspection trips to Walsen, Robinson and Cameron. It was Rockefeller's first visit here since 1915.

1924 July 8: Charged With Grand Larceny. Gabriel Borego, Teofilo Sanchez and Marcos Valdez were arrested last Thursday on a charge of larceny of live stock, the specific charge being that they butchered a calf belonging to the Santa Clara Land & Cattle Company. The calf was traced to the home of these men in Wyoming Plaza and the officers happened along with a search warrant just as these men were cutting up the calf. The men were taken before Judge Allen for a preliminary hearing. Borego and Sanchez stated that they wished to plead "guilty", but Valdez claimed that he knew nothing about the calf being stolen and entered a plea of "not guilty". The case has been set for a preliminary hearing on the plea of Valdez on Friday of this week.

1924 July La Veta: A good many people here and at Oakview are suffering from scarletina.  

1924 July La Veta: H.R. Carson died from the effects of an accident on his ranch two miles from town.

1924 July La Veta: Karl and Max Elley, Malcolm and Earl Kreutzer and Proctor Hayes attended the Blanca Rodeo on the Fourth.

1924 July La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. P.C. Burke leased the hotel and dining room at Cuchara Camps.

1924 July La Veta: The La Veta baseball team strengthened its record again on Sunday by defeating Rouse in a sprinter's classic by a score of 21 to 20.

1924 July Walsenburg: Lee Boscia of Rouse and Ida Packard of Walsenburg were married.

1924 July Walsenburg: More than 1,000 people attended the official opening of the new Lamme Hospital last Saturday.

1924 July Walsenburg: The Walsenburg Elks are remodeling the Mazzone building at Sixth and Main Streets for a clubhouse.

Walsenburg World 7-22-1924 It has been brought to the attention of the sheriff's office that numbers of boys are in the habit of going bathing in the Martin lake without wearing bathing suits. The Martin lake is becoming more or less a public resort and the people of Walsenburg are in the habit of driving around the lake, which makes a very pleasant drive. It will therefore be the policy of the sheriff's office to prosecute anyone found swimming in this lake unless they are wearing a proper bathing suit. Signed, C.E. Cornwall, Sheriff

1924 August La Veta: Alfred Atchison secured a contract for surfacing two or three miles of the La Veta-Walsenburg Road.                         

1924 August La Veta: Claude Rilling was killed in an auto accident on Lougheed hill.

1924 August La Veta: I.L. Tippett has been hired as the new superintendent of schools.

1924 August La Veta: J.T. Manning added a new roof and porches to his property next to the Baptist parsonage on Main Street, purchased from the Steeles.

1924 August La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Summers of California, who formerly had charge of the Snodgrass store here, are occupying their cabin in Cuchara Camps, and George Summers accompanies them.

1924 August La Veta: Our stock of Oak and Hickory Lumber, Wagon Tongues and Axels [sic] has arrived. The La Veta Lumber and Supply Company.

1924 August La Veta: School is to commence Sept. 2, but construction continues, so part of the building may not be occupied.

1924 August La Veta: The Huerfano County Pioneer Association will have its annual picnic in old Ryus Park, Field and Main Streets, next Wednesday.

1924 August Walsenburg: James H.P. Fisk, local engineer, says that $40,000 will put Walsenburg's water system in condition to service 10,000 people.

1924 August Walsenburg: Postmaster Pete Atencio announced that bids are being taken to remodel the building next to Allison's confectionery for the new post office.

1924 August Walsenburg: The grand opening of Madle's new Super Service Station will be Aug. 23-24. 

1924 August Walsenburg: The Walsen Mine First Aid Team won the contest in Trinidad. Members are Dave Davies (captain), George H. Turner, Earl Peet, J.B. Bums and Donald Haske, with Ed Furlong the patient.

1924 August Walsenburg: Today is the grand opening of Madle's new Super Service Station.

1924 August Walsenburg: Two Walsenburg pugilists, Young Dempsey and Will Hart, are making names for themselves on the Denver boxing circuit.

1924 August: Joe Bain reports construction began on his new $30,000 building on west Seventh Street for his Golden Eagle Store.

1924 August: Postmaster Pete Atencio announced that bids are being taken to remodel the building next to Allison's Confectionery for the new post office.

1924 September La Veta: A brick water filter is being built north of Town Lakes.

1924 September La Veta: A.B. Parks is running 2,000 sheep on his ranch and they are harvesting his grain and hay crops.

1924 September La Veta: Bob Owenby bought Joe Bernardo's shoe shop.

1924 September La Veta: Ranger Paul Gilbert has moved into the Manning property on Main Street where the forest service office is.

1924 September La Veta: School enrollment is 178 in the elementary and 73 in the high school.

1924 September La Veta: The American Cafe will close for business at the end of this month.

1924 September La Veta: The committee reported favorably on the suitability of the town lake location for a golf course.

1924 September La Veta: The federal aid project on the La Veta-Walsenburg highway is providing work for a number of local people.

1924 September La Veta: The Ku Klux Klan made a demonstration here Sunday and presented the Baptist minister with $25.

1924 September La Veta: The proposed filter to be built about 100 yards north of town lake will be eight to 10 feet wide, 30 feet long and 12 to 16 feet high with brick chambers with filtering material.

1924 September La Veta: William McLain sold his grocery stock to Edwin L. Smith, who will operate the store at the old stand.

1924 September Walsenburg: $1,000 damage was done on the ranch of Manuel Maldonado seven miles west of Walsenburg when fire destroyed livestock, a wagon, the first crop of hay and agricultural implements.

1924 September Walsenburg: An Ideal miner was imprisoned last night after a thrilling chase down Main Street during which Chief of Police Ralph Levy fired three shots. He was going not less than 40 miles per hour.

1924 September Walsenburg: Another celebration of the opening of the new Elks club rooms on Sixth Street will be a dance at the lodge with music by the Sunkist orchestra.

1924 September Walsenburg: Eating a dish of jello without whipped cream produces as much kick as kissing an old maid by radio.

1924 September Walsenburg: Huerfano County produced one-sixth of all coal mined in Colorado during August, a total of 137,482 tons.

1924 September Walsenburg: Joe Bain says construction began on his new $30,000 store on Seventh Street for his Golden Eagle.

1924 September Walsenburg: Lessons in Classical Dancing by Mrs. Zipprodt, 309 Kansas Avenue, phone 328 J.

1924 September Walsenburg: Sheriff Charles Cornwall was unable to confirm rumors that the body of a man had been seen hanging from a rope on the coal chute on West Seventh Street this morning.

1924 September Walsenburg: The Baptist ladies will have a home cooking sale Saturday in the Common Sense Grocery.

1924 September Walsenburg: The residents of Pauley are having their fourth annual community fair.

1924 September Walsenburg: The Wonders brought home the junior baseball championship of Colorado, the first state honors for Walsenburg since 1911 and 1912.

1924 September Walsenburg: W.A. Bogue of Rattlesnake Buttes won the county champion- ship in raising hogs for growing 2,228 pounds from one litter of nine pigs.

1924 September: George A. Trout, 28, passed his exams for admittance to the Colorado bar with high honors.

1924 October La Veta: About 175 people attended a musical program in the new school assembly room, given by the P.T.A. but mainly given by high school students.

1924 October La Veta: Jodie Huesties, who is working in the yards at Alamosa, came over to play for the dance last evening.

1924 October La Veta: Quite a number of Walsenburg ladies were in La Veta for the Women's Republican Club meeting with refreshments, a program and speeches by county politicians.

1924 October La Veta: Sam Montoya died and was buried at Oakview.

1924 October La Veta: The Methodist ladies took in $104.05 at their recent play at the Crystal Theater.

1924 October La Veta: The school athletic association is $30 to the good through staging two basketball games Wednesday for the stock show.

1924 October La Veta: W.A. Campbell won three firsts on his Aberdeen Angus at the Colorado State Fair, three seconds, one third and a grand championship.

1924 October Walsenburg: Armistice Day activities in Walsenburg will feature a turkey chase.    

1924 October Walsenburg: Forty miners at Morning Glory near Camp Shumway went on strike yesterday against the $2 a month charge by the company for charging the miners' light batteries after mine inspectors condemned carbide lights.

1924 October Walsenburg: Governor William F. Sweet and Senator Alva Adams will be guest speakers here Friday for a meeting in Joseph's Hall.

1924 October Walsenburg: Hear the Happy Black Aces at Maccabee Hall Saturday night.

1924 October Walsenburg: J.F. Espander has opened the Walsenburg Tailoring Company at 703 Main Street. He has 30 years experience in the profession.

1924 October Walsenburg: J.F. Espander has opened the Walsenburg Tailoring Company at 703 Main Street. He has 30 years experience, as a tailor.

1924 October Walsenburg: Joe Bain, Seventh Street merchant, nabbed a forger at gun-point Saturday.

1924 October Walsenburg: John Dand was elected justice of the peace for the Santa Clara district, a post he's held for 32 years.

1924 October Walsenburg: Tom Mix in "Trailin'" at the Rialto Sunday and Monday. 

1924 November La Veta: A new La Veta orchestra played at a dance at Oakview Saturday night where Jennie Pene and Oscar Ferguson won a prize for doing the most artistic "flea hop."

1924 November La Veta: Alex Klobskey called at this office the other day and informed us that his friends in La Veta would not see him again until next spring.

1924 November La Veta: Cattle have been coming through from the San Luis Valley by the trainloads, bound for the Denver market.

1924 November La Veta: Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Duling were here visiting the former's brother Ray and the latter's sister Mrs. Coe.

1924 November La Veta: Of the private residences in Cuchara Camps, 14 are owned by Trinidad people, 10 by Walsenburg folk, seven from Texas, six from Kansas, one from Indiana and one from La Veta.

1924 November Walsenburg: Armistice Day activities in Walsenburg will feature a turkey chase.

1924 November Walsenburg: Armistice Day activities will include a rodeo by professional dare-devil riders.

1924 November Walsenburg: City Council learned that disease has been reduced since using a chlorinator on the pipe line...

1924 November Walsenburg: City Council raised the mill levy for 1925 to 16 for an income of about $34,000.

1924 November Walsenburg: David Thompson Wycoff, Walsenburg resident since 1899 and well known drugstore owner, died Thursday.

1924 November Walsenburg: Elected county commissioners were Jose G. Archuleta over Fred C. Meyer, District No. 1 and John Elley over E.E. Harrison, District No. 2.

1924 November Walsenburg: Elected to county offices were Frank Tafoya, clerk; Harry J. Capps, sheriff; Charles Haines, treasurer; Alex Guerrero, assessor; A.S. Willburn, surveyor; Gabe Furphy, coroner; Martha M. Thorne, superintendent of schools.

1924 November Walsenburg: Glen Martin of Patches was seen speeding his handmade car around the Clanda district Wednesday.

1924 November Walsenburg: Glen Martin of Patches was seen speeding his handmade car around the Clanda district.

1924 November Walsenburg: Ladies silk and wool dresses, $9.95 at Everybody's Store, 714 Main Street.

1924 November Walsenburg: One hundred and fifty attended the smoker and boxing match at the Eagles Hall last night, featuring the eight-year-old Burns twins and Ed Mack of Alamosa and Kid Fisher of Denver.

1924 November Walsenburg: Put on you old clothes and come to the second Annual Barn Dance at Maccabee Hall Saturday night.

1924 November Walsenburg: Some 150 people attended the smoker and boxing match at the Eagles hall last night, featuring the eight-year-old Burns twins and Ed Mack of Alamosa and Kid Fisher of Denver.

1924 November Walsenburg: Walsen School sells about six cases of milk and the children are improving in weight.

1924 December La Veta: An old-fashioned runaway occurred the other day when Tom Alexander's, team took his wagon to the depot, and then went on to graze at the camp grounds.

1924 December La Veta: Died, John Ritter, a resident of the La Veta district for 36 years.

1924 December La Veta: Fenton Martin's new barn in north La Veta was completely destroyed by fire along with 25 tons of hay inside.

1924 December La Veta: Miss Jane Elley arrived from Denver Sunday to spend the holidays with her family. She is the only La Veta girl in college at present.

1924 December La Veta: Nearly 150 people attended the Eastern Star banquet Friday night, even more than expected. A large contingent came up from Walsenburg.

1924 December La Veta: Please send all fancy work and aprons for the Methodist bazaar to the home of Mrs. Roush by Friday noon, Dec. 12.

1924 December La Veta: So long as athletics continue to raise the standard of education let every person in this district offer every encouragement to their practice.

1924 December La Veta: Superintendent McLearey left Oakview for Alamo during the storm Thursday but failed to arrive. A search was made and he was found in a dugout about four miles from Alamo where he found shelter after becoming disoriented.

1924 December La Veta: The new barn at A.B. Dickinson's dairy north of town burned down.

1924 December La Veta: W.A. Campbell left Edwin L. Smith's store to open his own meat market.

1924 December Walsenburg: City Council banned street stands in town so Matt's lunch stand was moved a half block west of Seventh Street to an empty lot.

1924 December Walsenburg: Colorado Oil Company has leased about 10,000 acres near Farisita and will sink a well.

1924 December Walsenburg: Julius Goemmer has consolidated his Apex Electric Company with George Halliday's Walsenburg Electric and supply at 504 Main.

1924 December Walsenburg: Julius Goemmer has consolidated his Apex Electric Company with George Halliday's Walsenburg Electric and Supply at 504 Main.

1924 December Walsenburg: See Mrs. Hull for your Xmas Picoting and Hemstitching. Phone 176, or 305 Russell Avenue.

1924 December Walsenburg: Street stands have been banned in Walsenburg so Matt's lunch stand was moved one half block west on Seventh Street to an empty lot and the stand at Sixth and Main disappeared completely.

1924 December Walsenburg: Street stands have been banned in Walsenburg so Matt's Lunch Stand was moved one-half block west on Seventh Street to an empty lot and the stand at Sixth and Main has disappeared completely.

1924 December Walsenburg: The smoker and boxing matches at the Eagles hall last night was attended by 150 to see the eight-year-old Burns twins and Ed Mack of Alamosa versus Kid Fisher of Denver.

1924 December Walsenburg: The State industrial Commission hearing ruled the owners of the Morning Glory mine can continue charging miners $2 a month for safety lamps.

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© Karen Mitchell