Huerfano County, Colorado
Huerfano County High School

Contributed by Karen Mitchell
NOTICE All data and photos on this website are Copyrighted by Karen Mitchell. Duplication of this data or photos is strictly forbidden without legal written permission by the Copyright holder.
Huerfano County High School


The first High school in Huerfano County was organized in 1892. One teacher constituted the faculty with four students enrolled. The courses were taught by Mr. H.H. Brodie, who, in addition taught the seventh and eighth grades. During the second year of the school, an additional student was enrolled.
In 1894 the high school enrollment increased to eleven students, but it was not until the next year that a well organized two year course was developed.
The first graduation exercises occurred in 1897, when three graduates completed a three year course of study. In the years between 1897-1901 twenty-one students received similar diplomas.
On November 6, 1900, a favorable vote was taken for the organization of the county high school. In 1901 a four year high school course was adopted.
The two mill tax was voted for maintenance of the school in 1906, and during this same year the school came to be known as Huerfano County High School.
The first principal of H.C.H.S. was Dr. W.J. Wagner, who had one assistant. School was held in the Odd Fellows Hall.
The school term 1907-1908 saw the faculty increased to three instructors. Wages and inadequacy of space and equipment hindered rapid development of activities.
The Elk's Club sponsored and supported financially the first basketball team. In recognition of this help the school adopted the Elks colors of purple and white as their colors. The Armory building was obtained for basketball practice and games.
In 1921 the basketball team won the State Championship. Likewise, the girl's team was also victorious in the state.
A lease was made in January 1913, expiring in 1916, for the Armory Building, previously used for basketball, to be used for a high school building. Chapman Hall was then used for basketball.
In 1915 because of the diminished high school enrollment it was proposed to merge the eighth grade into the high school building.
Mr. Ford Frick, a well known figure in National League Baseball, was a teacher in H.C.H.S. in 1916. (This history is hanging on the wall at the school administration office.)

1897 Huerfano County High School
Mary Campbell
Jessie Snedden
Maud Wycoff

1898 Huerfano County High School
Howard Danford
Jeanie Dick
Ernest Lidle
Frank McHarg
Mabel Quillian
Elizabeth Snedden
Clifford Stablefield
Edna Sweeney

1899 Huerfano County High School
Katie Blickhahn
Hattie Carter
Archie Danford
Bertha Klien
Julian Lamme
Bessie Michel
Bardett Rice

1900 Huerfano County High School
Marie Anderson
Andrew Dick
George Espe
Inda Fugate
Ernest Krier
Fred Sporleder

1901 Huerfano County High School
Lyda Blickhahn
Ada Carter
Clara Cowing
Agnes Hayden

1902 Huerfano County High School
Antonio Manzanares
Anna Mazzone
Nobel Steele

1903 Huerfano County High School
Ada Coots
Lucian Krier
Rivers Steele

1904 Huerfano County High School
Eva Evans

1905 Huerfano County High School
Edna Blickhahn

1906 Huerfano County High School
George Blickhahn
Janet Chatin
Glen Mathews
Freda Mazzone
Walter Moore

1907 Huerfano County High School
No records exist for this year

1908 Huerfano County High School
Virginia Agnes
Paul Krier
Anna Wilson

1909 Huerfano County High School
Lelia Chatin
Mathilde Krier
Marie Patchen
Bertha Riley
Mary Unfug

1910 Huerfano County High School

1910 Graduates

Carolyn Farr
Edna Garrett
Mary Hill
Thomas Mathews
Mary Smith

1911 Huerfano County High School
Harold Anderson
Amelia Barron
Gladys Brand
Esta Fiegel
Katherine Jones
Otto Klien
Laura Richey
Caroline Sporleder
George Trout
Adolph Unfug
Vernie Unfug
Eddie Williams

Contributed by Betty Anderson

1912 Huerfano County High School
Agapito Atencio
August Hebert Chatin
Goodman L. Davinsky
Edna Blanche Hanna
Helen Sanchez
Laurabelle Shaft
Alice D. Sherwood
Mary Elizabeth Tenant
Maud Windsor
1912 Yearbook Pictures

1913 Huerfano County High School
Thaddus Andrews
Sam Dunford
Charlotte Reuter

1914 Huerfano County High School
Rose Brunelli
Fannie McNabb
Rose O'Hagen
Jennie Price
Edith Williams
Mary Young

1915 Huerfano County High School
Seldon Andrews
Horton Granjean
Evad Miller
Isabel Scott
William Trent
August Unfug
Tuila E. Wallace

1916 Huerfano County High School
Robert Anderson
Gussie Archuleta
Marie Busch
Evaline Capps
George Dick
Rick Duran
Tito Jaramillo
Timmy Martinez
Hazel Murray
Pearl Phipps
Robert Riley
Otto Unfug
May Weston

1926 Huerfano County High School
This Class roll is donated by Glenda Price, daughter of Mary E. Stanley.

Catherine Laura Bishard
Bruno C. Battiste
Iola Lena Farr
Charles Bruno Benine
Blanche Dolan
Robert Lewis Brown
Rubye V. Hammond
Stephen J. Brown
Marguerite Gladys Hennes
Charles F. Buckland
Annetta Matilda Jones
James R. Chase
Margaret C. Kirkpatrick
Glenn F. Chambers
Mary Frances Kosteiny
Abie Allen Dizik
May L. Love
Leland Fugitt
Catherine Vernice Lynch
Carlos L. Hunsinger
Rose A. Manka
Kenneth A. Karst
Ellen C. Morris
Kenneth Claude Lynch
Katherine Roberta Prudhoe
Richard McKinley
Etta Mae Schooler
Fred E. Petz
Bertha Josephine Schwelka
Joe M. Pisarczyk
Louise L. Sporleder
Fred Read
Marietta Lucille Stacy
Ellsworth C. Richards
Mary E. Stanley
Henry Hall Sears
Ruth Esther Thorne
Rachael Elizabeth Trout
Cynthia Helen Willburn

1927 Huerfano County High School

Martin A. Bayuk
Dino A. Nigro
Mae C. Bortman
Antonia M. Lovato
Emil Blasi
William F. Paton
Lela J. Camack
Frances E. Maddox
Franklyn G. Conroy
Oscar O. Santi
Elizabeth Chittick
Grace E. Miller
Andrew Currie
Damaso Vigil
Ruth A. Conroy
Dorothy Mable Neeley
Harry R. Currie
Vincent Welsby
Edythe L. Cross
Neva Patterson
L. Homer Hazzard
Philip A. Williams
Aurelia Dickson
Sophia B. Petz
Jay K. Inman
Stella Mae Petz
Teresa C. Gilaudo
Joe S. Yelonek
Steven I. Kukolich
Benola F. Prudhoe
Grace Gordon
Robert E. Young
Herman D. Lakes
Jean Schell
Marie Houghton
Zelma M. Sefton
John M. Layton
Elma H. Sefton
Elizabeth A. Jenkins
Eleanor G. Temple
Timothy McCandless
Genolda Vaughn
Mary Komlei
Mildred Watson
John M. Nigro
Catherine Zarr
Virginia A. Kostelny

Class Flower DAFFODIL

Diploma given at Walsenburg, Colorado this first day of June, 1927 /s/J.W. Yost Superintendent

From the Graduation Exercises program:
FERGUS PATON was Valedictorian
NEVA PATTERSON was Salutatorian.
Class Officers were:
ROBERT YOUNG ------------- President
PHILIP WILLIAMS ------------ Vice President
HERMAN LAKES ------------- Treas. and Sec'y
Class Sponsor was Miss Mabel Gibson
1. INVOCATION ------------------------------------------------ REV. C. W. HARDON
2. SALUTATORY---"Foot Prints" --------------------------- NEVA PATTERSON
3. H. C. H. S. ORCHESTRA ----------------------------- MISS GULEY, Director
(a) Minuet in G -- Beethoven
(b) Song of India ---- Rimsky-Korsakow
4. VALEDICTORY --------------------------------------------------- FERGUS PATON
5. ADDRESS, "Education and Life" -------------------- SUPT. J. F. KEATING
6. SONG, "Sing On" --------------------- HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS' GLEE CLUB Miss Hart, Director
7. PRESENTATION OF DIPLOMAS ------------------------- C. S. BUCKLAND Chairman H. C. H. S. Committee
8. CLASS SONG, "Our Own School" ------------------------- SENIOR CLASS
9 BENEDICTION ---------------------------------------------- REV. WM. E. PARKS
The graduation ceremony was held in the Huerfano County High School Auditorium in Walsenburg on Wednesday, June 1, 1927 at 8 o'clock in the evening.

1932 Huerfano County High School Contributed by Janet Wasson, formatted by Karen Mitchell.

1932 Faculty

Class Photo #1

Class Photo #2

Class Photo #3

Class Motto- Finimus Coepturi
Class Colors-Lavender & Gold
Class Flower- Lilac

Class Roll:
Alishio, Bernarda
Atencio, Ruth Diana
Baca, Rose Ann
Bailey, Richard Eugene
Blasi, Flora Laura
Blickhahn, Mary Anna
Brgoch, Lillian
Buku, Elizabeth Mari
Calza, Mary
Cerjanec, Dorothy Ann
Coleman, Nellie Joyce
Coots, May Ellen
Currie, Violet Robertson
Conroy, Edna Cory
Everly, Thomas James
Fox, Monroe Lewis
Fugitt, Maybelle
Fugitt, Noal Douglas
Garcia, Ray Alfonso
Guerrero, Daniel
Gikas, George George
Grusonik, Mary
Hamilton, Olive
Hazlewood, Annie
Herlyck, Mary Frances
Hutchcroft, Mabel B.
Jansa, Frances Eleanor
Johnson, Henry Boyd
Mathews, David McKee
Meyer, Harlan Vernon
Milton, Robert William
Miller, Donald Miles
Montes, Alonzo Otto
Morris, Carl Lee
Muir, Alta Mae
McKenzie, Isabel
McKinley, Ruth Elzina
Pospahala, Edwin J.
Payne, Ellen Margaret
Rodriguez, Joseph Lara
Rodosevich, John
Rogers, Thelma Elizabeth
Roseman, Albert
Saliba, Lucille Oditte
Sanders, Pauline Esther
Sandor, John Henry
Santi, Barbara Louise
Schwelka, Albert
Sedmak, Agnes Jacqueline
Selby, Billie
Shibata, Thomas Michael
Siemon, Mabel Janette
Simmons, Bonnie Frances
Smith, Margaret Edna
Socha, Thomas Albert
Sterk, Ann Lucille
Trujillo, Mary Susie
Viola, Virginia Louise
Verant, Martha
Weston, Leona Myrtle
Ward, John Archer
Wilcox, Florence Elizabeth
Wise, Edna Katherine
Wootton, Dorothy Mae
Workman, Samuel H.
Zupancic, Eva Louise

1933 Huerfano County High School
Dorothy Anderson
Aurora Aragon
Hugh Bergamo
Tony Brgoch
Adolph Bressan
Nicholas Dratter
Elizabeth Deiderich
Eleanor Dennison
Richard Deus
George Cory
Clovis Cordova
Elivia Fini
Irene Friel
Anna Glinsky
Charles Hill
Josephine Joseph
Geroge Judiscak
John Kos
Delphine Lee
Frank Madle
John McQuade
Frank Mauro, Jr.
Bernard Musso
Adella Miszkiel
Minnie Martinez
Dino Nigro
Virginia Neeman
Angeline Orecchio
Irene Padoven
Peter Pavlick
Mary Ritz
Mary Romero
Josephine Repola
Henrietta Rolling
Ruth Vallely
Herman Veltman
Emma Veronda
Pianist, Helen Panucci.

1934 Huerfano County High School
Frank G. Colnar
Josephine Martinez

1941 Huerfano County High School
Levio Michael Amidei

Unknown year, Huerfano County High School
Arthur Amidei
Andrew Aibner
Robert Alfred Aguirre

1942 Graduates -- 2000 Class reunion by Roberta Hart Dutton.
Class of 1942 valedictorian, Marjorie Thornbury of Washington state, and her CU roomie who lives in Talkeetna, Alaska.
Salutatorian Dist. Judge Albert Tomsic head the list.
Frank Piaza, the senior class president, who didn't know he was stuck with the job for life, and his wife, Lena McKenzie;
Nick and Cathy Lovdjieff--twins. Nick and his wife have homes in a Chicago suburb and in Naples, FL, and Cathy, now Cathy Hartman, lives in Alexandria, VA. (Cathy invited me to come visit; what a temptation, since I lived in DC and married 2nd gen. DConian, and have roots in both sides of my family going back to the 1650's.)
Bill Lansdowne and wife of Denver--Bill was one of our two Ph.D.'s. The other one, Frank Rivera, died recently.
Mary Liane Mallet Romigh of Houston, with her brother Gavin and sister-in-law Mary.
Eddie Gallegoes,
Lee Martin Baker and wife of near Tucson,
Ed Tomsic,
Bob Stimack and wife of Arvada.
John Galli, of Walsenburg, I think.
Dorothy Long and husband George Dasko.
Charles Thomas and wife of Pueblo.
Louie Nardin and his wife of Pueblo; she was a Ugolini and from her I learned the name of the horse that had put his foot in my dad's mouth.
Elsie Yeager Daher (sp) and husband.
Josephine Essres--hope I've got that right.
Christine Condor--she was the little girl that hung out in the Pryor store when we got our mail there.

Excerpts of the 1945 Panther Yearbook. Contributed by Cheryl Niccoli.

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